Sunday, August 20, 2017


What have we here? Someone is coming to see us!

But look, he's wearing a mask! How can he even see us?

Well, actually this is a mask to keep the flies and bugs off his face. It is fine mesh and he can see right through it! Pretty cool, huh?

“In the next two or three hours Jesus healed many from diseases, distress, and evil spirits. To many of the blind he gave the gift of sight.” 

Luke 7


Terra said...

Beautiful photos and now I know that horses can see right through these protective masks.

Rose said...

I am glad we don't have to wear these....LOL

Reanaclaire said...

He can really see right through it? Cool.. I thought his eyes were injured or something when I saw the photos. :)

Ann said...

What a beauty he is. I've seen those masks before. Good idea to keep those pesky flies away

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is really cool and these are excellent shots of the mask and the beautiful horse. i do hope the horses and cows don't look at the solar eclispe today. had not thought about that and all the wild animals. maybe be instinct they dont look

Lady Jane said...

I hate seeing the horses in such distress. This is a wonderful mask. hugs, lj

Hootin Anni said...

I've seen's genius!

crafty cat corner said...

OH, my tummy went all funny when I saw the horse, then I read on and found that he could see through it, thank goodness.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful horse. I am glad to know that the horse can see through the fine mesh that is there for keeping the flies and bugs away.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Some days I feel like I need something like that for my face.I dislike bugs around my face.Let me rephrase that.I dislike bugs.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's quite a blinder! I'm so happy to know he can see through it! I need one of those that's not see-through when I go to the produce market!

Tamago said...

What a beautiful horse! Glad to know he can see through the mesh :-)

LV said...

Not seen this, but around here they put blanket coats on the horses in the winter. You have an eye for interesting finds.

UplayOnline said...

Good idea to keep those pesky flies away


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