Monday, August 7, 2017


The other week,  I saw this skipper on several different days. He kept popping up in front of me. Maybe not the same one, but it is nice to think it was. My first sighting was when he flew in front of me and clung onto a brick building.

The next time I saw him, it was in a field of flowers.

This kind of skipper is called a Silver Spotted. Here is a picture of a plain one I snapped several years ago. No spots.

 “Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we’ll skip and dance all the day long.”
Psalm 90


Linda said...

You see such amazing things! Things that would be easy to miss if you weren't paying attention!

Nancy Chan said...

You caught a pretty skipper! For the past few days, I have been trying unsuccessfully to take a shot of a fluttering butterfly which never stays still. Have a beautiful day!

DawnTreader said...

I agree that when you come across a single butterfly of the same kind a few times in a row, it's nice to think of it as being the same one :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fabulous photographs. Many thanks for all your comments on my blog I really appreciate everyone. On holiday I put scheduled posts in but do not comment

Andrea said...

I'd like to think it was the same one too.... enjoying being in your company. :)

Reanaclaire said...

So these are called skippers.. I thought they are moths from the butterfly family. :)

Karen said...

I LOVE that Bible verse! and your pretty photos. I see a lot of yellow butterflies her and even a hummingbird sometimes!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Have not seen these here.. we have several types but not this one. can't decide if I like with or without spots best. oh well just skip it... ha ha

Chatty Crone said...

You must carry your camera around your neck. I don;t know how you get all these. I like your verse - joy comes in the morning. Sandie

Tamago said...

What a pretty skipper! Maybe he is the same skipper :-)
The plain skipper is very pretty, too!

DeniseinVA said...

Super photos of the Skippers Ginny. A lovely coincidence that we both took photos for our posts. Their markings are always interesting.

Ann Thompson said...

I would have also gone with thinking it was the same one. I like the spotted one better than the plain one.
Not sure why all those people were using strollers for their dogs. Maybe they are older dogs or maybe it's just a fashion thing. I can't imagine Gibbs ever staying in one

crafty cat corner said...

I had to laugh, I thought you had the skipping rope out Ginny when I read the headline. lol

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are fantastic captures. That's the kind of 'skipping' I could do as well.

Rose said...

I have not even seen many of these! Loved seeing them through your eyes.

Carla from The River said...

Great photos!

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