Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Edge Of The Storm

A few days ago, we traveled on the edge of a widespread storm. We went in and out of hard rain. But while the clouds were in front of us...

The rainbow was behind us!

“He crafted the cosmos. He thunders and rain pours down. He sends the clouds soaring. He embellishes the storm with lightnings, launches the wind from his warehouse.”
Jeremiah 51


DeniseinVA said...

The best of both worlds. What beautiful contrasting looks you have captured. Outstanding :)

Linda said...

You always see the silver lining in any situation - in nature or in life! I love that about you!

Karen said...

A reminder of God's promise and covenant!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the sky is always beautiful, even when dark with stormy clouds, or rainbows or bright blue and white... always changing with the weather and you capture the most beautiful skies over and over

LV said...

I do not like driving when the heavens are so dark. I try to avoid it if possible. I am afraid of the other drivers as much as what I might do.

Tamago said...

Wow, clouds front and rainbow behind. Storm must have been traveling with you :-)

Ann said...

I would have been tempted to turn around and head for the rainbow :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love, both the stormy skies and the rainbow.God creates so much beauty all around us. Thanks for being observant and for sharing these pictures.

Rose said...

Beautiful shots, Ginny!

Nancy Chan said...

The rainbow is an assurance the the dark clouds we face are only temporary and God promises to take us through the storm. Have a blessed weekend!

Andrea said...

I absolutely LOVE storms... but they've been far and few between this year, in our neck of the woods. I lived vicariously through one via your pictures. Thank you for that!! xoxo

DawnTreader said...

Whooh... Those clouds are really hanging low!!

Hootin Anni said...

That is gorgeous Ginny...all of it!

UplayOnline said...

in nature or in life! I love that about you!


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