Sunday, June 14, 2020


I could hardly believe what we saw Saturday!! We were driving along...

The pictures are blurry, but we were driving pretty fast.

WHAT? Phil spotted this before I did.
 Yes, the woman on the back of the motorcycle was holding a real dog, and the dog was wearing tiny pink motorcycle goggles! She saw me aiming my camera at them, and flashed me a big smile. It made my day.

Only a few minutes later, we saw this guy on a motorcycle with a teddy bear on the back. A good day, for sure.

“A dog is so often the answer — when you're lonely and need company, or when you're tired of company and need lonely.”
 ~Robert Brault


CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! You made my evening,... I'm grinning from ear to ear.

Nancy Chan said...

How wonderful! That was indeed a great day for you spotting the dog with tiny goggles and teddy bear riding on a motorcycle. Have a happy new week.

Reanaclaire said...

Phil is really observant! I wonder whether the doggie can see clearly after wearing the googles... LOL..

Hootin Anni said...

The bear is my favorite. I would think holding a live dog is a bit dangerous for all. Including the dog!! But, the goggles are cute.

Natalia said...

So fun! Great captures!

Ann said...

The dog with the pink goggles is so cute. I can't imagine Gibbs ever sitting still enough to ride like that and I doubt he would keep those goggles on either.

Carol said...

How cute that dog is! Society doesn't always favor motorcyclists because of the gangs associated with them. However, if you ever need to raise money, they are always ready for a charity ride and most of them are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. The photo of the guy with the bear on the back reminded me of just how special these people can be.

Rose said...

What fun things to see! That is the way to travel!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You do find or see the most interesting things on your street. Of course maybe I don't see interesting things because I'm never out on the street it's hard to see anything shut inside the house. Glad y'all could get out.

Inger said...

You have so many happy moment when you are out and about. This makes me think I need to get out more and just drive around. I love the quote too, you know I'm a dog lover.

Tamago said...

Wow, I've never seen a doggie riding motorcycle! Or a teddy bear lol.
Love the quote :-)

Carla from The River said...

Oh my, what a cutie with those pink goggles on. What a fun post Ginny.
Thank you for sharing!

photowannabe said...

HaHa Ginny.
I love that last quote.
There is a whole lot of truth to that.
Sometimes after I have spent 4 hours with my Alzheimer's friend and have repeated the same things at least a million times...I absolutely am tired of company and need Lonely !!
God does give me Grace but when I get home sometimes I truly just need to "Shelter in Place".

Chatty Crone said...

Love the quote.
The dog with the sun glasses was cute - but I don't think it was safe in my opinion. lol Disco would hate it.

George said...

These are both great captures.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That dog mnust have gotten used to being on the bike since it was a puppy. Very cute.

Buttercup said...

Too fun! Thanks for sharing.

DeniseinVA said...

Delightful captures Ginny. How nice of the lady to give you a big smile. Lovely for the pup as long as he enjoys it, and this one seemed as though he/she was. A lovely share, thank you :)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Well spotted. Loved the dog with the little pink goggles.

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