Friday, June 19, 2020

More Doors

More doors today. Why? Because I love them, and I CAN. I came across them on line, and they were too good to pass up. Which is your favorite?

This one is an owl!

“Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father.”
Revelation 3


Hootin Anni said...

I love the owl. AND the purple.

Hootin Anni said...

I love the owl. AND the purple.

Ann said...

These are all spectacular. I really like the owl and the blue one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The first one and the aqua door are tied for first place for me. I actually don't usually like ornate things but that aquador is really beautiful. The owls a little freaky are creepy. I thought for a minute that you had been out taking pictures of doors

Sandi said...

That verse...sigh...expectation...deep breath!

I am going to have to go with the seafoam green decorated door that clearly leads to a faery wonderland. But the purple door is so unusual and unexpected it gets an honorable mention.

Bless you, Ginny.

Nancy Chan said...

All the doors look nice. I think the owl door is cute. Have a blessed weekend.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Purple and Pink but they are all interesting. Revelations 3, my hubby still has a small framed photo of Jesus standing at the door knocking. It is a favorite piece of art for us. I hope many open the door when he comes knocking. Have a beautiful day. HUGS xo

George said...

You've found a fascinating collection of doors. Very nice!

Natalia said...

These are very beautiful!

Rose said...

They are beautiful, except for the one with the yes and it is strange.

Chatty Crone said...

They are all beautiful - I have a door category on Pinterest.
My favorite is the first one.
I love doors.
Love, sandie

LV said...

Be careful. You never know what goes on behind closed doors. I have heard that ALL MY LIFE. Well done as always.

Inger said...

It was more difficult this time... I have to pick the owl door though. How clever is that. I wish I could have an owl door too.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I love that purple door at the top, and the owl door as well. Very different.

Gayla said...

I cannot begin to choose! Each of those is simply beeeeautiful! I love that verse. I had that famous painting on my wall as a little girl of Jesus at the door with no handle on the outside. Hugs!

NanaDiana said...

I love doors, too. I used to have a poster of Doors in Ireland and wish I still had it. xo Diana

Tamago said...

Those doors are all unique and striking! The owl door is very pretty :-)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ginny, I'm reposting as I forgot where I was! My goodness! The doors - what pretty colors! I would love to have a round door like Bilbo Baggins does! ♥ xo

DeniseinVA said...

These are beautiful doors and I love that owl!

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