Friday, June 5, 2020

Pier 1

Did you hear that Pier 1 is closing it's doors for good? That is what I have been reading. I guess the pandemic finally did them in. They sure sold beautiful things, but were too expensive for me. But from time to time I would wander around and look. So, as a final good-bye to them, here are some of their beautiful mirrors that I loved.

Many years ago, they had a huge mirror sale. I was able to buy one that I had my eye on. No, it was none of these. I will show you in my next post. Which one would you buy if you could?

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13


CheerfulMonk said...

I love the reflection of you in the mirror. :) It's always sad when stores have to close. :(

Hootin Anni said...

Actually, none of the above for me. Too gaudy. A simple wood framed would be my choice. Or no frame at all. I read where the chain store, Tuesday Morning, filed for bankruptcy too. I imagine they will be closing.

Ann said...

It's sad hearing that another business is closing. I think we'll be hearing a lot of that in the near future. I've actually never been in a Pier 1. There's one about 30 miles away but I don't get over that way very often.
I doubt that I would buy any of these, they really aren't my style but the two blue ones catch my eye the most.

Nancy Chan said...

If I were to choose one, I would choose the one with your reflection in it. Over here, many hotels and restaurants have closed too. Don't know how many more will be closing in the near future. Have a fabulous weekend.

From the Kitchen said...

It is true! Pier 1 is closing. I loved shopping there, especially their candles. Also many Tuesday Mornings are closing. Another favorite place.

Hope all is well with you. We are fine and making the most of our quarantine time.


Rose said...

Ours closed a long, long time ago. I seldom bought anything there but always loved looking. Not sure which mirror I would choose...

R's Rue said...

I love Pier 1. So sad.

George said...

I haven't seen a Pier 1 store in ages. I'm not sure there are any around here.

Sue said...

Lovely mirrors Ginny, like you I like Pier ! but way to expensive for me, I bet there are some great deals, even though I hate to hear of businesses going out of business.
Thank you for visiting me and for your very sweet comment..

Natalia said...

Wow,these are stunning!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love their stuff but never enough to buy it? Maybe why trey are going out of business

The Feminine Energy said...

I had no idea about this, Ginny. I can't say I've ever been in a Pier 1 as I think the closest one is Chicago and I knew I'd never be able to buy anything and carry it home on the train. But those mirrors are absolutely gorgeous!! RIP Pier 1.... I hate to hear of any business closing because of the virus. Our world is changing, for sure! Love, Andrea xoxo

photowannabe said...

Yes it's true about it closing. I too never bought anything there and haven't been in one in years. Maybe when they have a "Closing..75% off sale I might pop in to get a bargin or two.

Susie said...

I always thought Pier 1 sold exotic things. Then a new group of stores came along and could sell things that were just as nice for far less. Big Lots, Home Depot, Home goods, etc. Now everyone probably has way more junk than they need. I know I do. LOL. Blessings to you, hope you enjoyed your time out. xoxo, Susie

Tamago said...

Too bad another business is closing. Those mirrors are very pretty. I like the last one best :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each one is pretty, but I would choose the first one.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Ginny! I hadn't heard that about Pier 1. I would sometimes buy from them when items were on clearance. Love all those mirrors!!

DawnTreader said...

While I'd enjoy looking at those in the right surrounding (I can imagine an exhibition of them in a museum hall otherwise all white and empty...) I don't think any of them would fit my own home. I think the last one comes closest to my taste, though.

Chatty Crone said...

I love Pier 1 - I just never could afford it - even now on sale.
I loved your photo in the mirror - I hope you bought it.
Love the verse too!

DeniseinVA said...

I'm sorry to hear they are closing. We didn't have one close to us so it was not a place I visited. I enjoyed your photos of these pretty mirrors and will be looking forward to the one you chose. Not sure which one I would have.

Sandi said...


The Happy Whisk said...

I hadn't heard but also, lately I've been working so much that I'm missing a lot of the news, like this. I did find them to be too much money. Fun stuff to look at, but too rich for me.

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