Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Just Grand

Two of our three granddaughters had milestones recently. Anne Marie, who is now 14, graduated from middle school and will be a high school senior in the fall. Sadly, due to Covid, there was no ceremony.
Our middle grand, Dara, turned 9 yesterday. Her Mom took the pictures, because Covid kept us apart. We left her presents on he porch.

I am now beginning to wonder if we will miss most of the rest of their childhood. At least we are all healthy!


The Feminine Energy said...

What beautiful but bittersweet pictures, dear friend. I know the feeling... we share them. We've had one "driveway party" last month, to celebrate our oldest daughter's birthday. But *everybody* had on a mask and only I served the food & touched the serving utensils.... and put food on paper plates, which everyone ate with plastic throw-away forks & spoons. *sigh* Dan brought the ping-pong table out of the garage and set it up in the driveway... plus the bags game. We figured those things were two "safe distancing" games. Believe it or not, we bought a free-standing bedside commode from Walmart (online order) and we set it up in the other garage, with a big sheet hanging from the ceiling for privacy.... and bar soap near the outside hose, for hand-washing afterward. The guys went potty in the woods behind the house. Where there's a will, there's a way! But I sure don't like it. I'm already worried about Christmas. Love, Andrea xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Your three girls are just gorgeous! That has to be hard missing graduation. Hard missing birthday parties. Is your state still on shelter in place - or are you doing it. The state here is wide open - carefully I guess you'd say. I don't know what is better. Congrats to the grad and happy birthday! Love, sandie

Natalia said...

Such beautiful girls! Hope everything will be better soon, we are also missing our family!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwww, don't think that way Ginny...that would be so sad to miss them that long. Have a positive thought & soon you'll see them & hug them.

Ann said...

All three of your granddaughters are beautiful. Hopefully you'll be back to seeing them again.

Reanaclaire said...

We "literally" watch Anne grow up here in this blog, Ginny! Now she is 14, wow! While she is growing older, we here are growing wiser... I hope! hahahaa... Nice and touching post,Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't even imagine how much you miss your three girls! That collage of the three of them is just beautiful and I love love love it! I cannot believe that Anne-Marie is going to be in high school. I'm so sorry she has to start it with covid-19 and no idea how school will be or if it will be

Rose said...

They are growing up so fast and are beautiful.

Tamago said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie on the graduation and happy birthday to Dara! Your granddaughters are growing up to be such beautiful ladies. The header photo is stunning!

George said...

Your granddaughters are absolutely beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Anne Marie is turning into a beautiful young lady. My granddaughter is also misisng that ceremony of going from middle school to high school.

shayndel said...

Congratulations to your granddaughters, all so beautiful!! Hope you will see them soon to meet in person! Thank you for the nice encouragement on thankfulness!

Nancy Chan said...

Your grand kids have all grown so much. Anne Marie is now a beautiful young lady. So wonderful to be able to share their milestones even though you can't celebrate with them in person.

Carla from The River said...

I love the photos.
They have grown up so much.. goodness! Anne Marie is a lovely young lady. All three are beautiful. I love those curls on that little one.

Take care my friend,

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday to Anne Marie and Dara. You have three sweet granddaughters. Lovely photos of them.

photowannabe said...

Beautiful Granddaughters.
Hard to begin High School in this time of Covid 19.
thanks for sharing your family with us.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, your granddaughters are so precious! Beautiful smiles! It is so sad that they are missing school milestone ceremonies. I pray that things will return to as they were soon. God bless!

Buttercup said...

Your granddaughters are so lovely! I think of 2020 as the "skipped" year and we will be able to return to a more regular life next year. I haven't let myself think about things in the future, but tonight suggested moving an activity to 2021 and optimistic I can get together with friends to do the walk in person that we are doing virtually now.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

This year's seniors missed out on a lot of milestone events like proms and all, but down the road, they will have a story to tell about the year of the drive through graduations. That's what my NJ grandson had, but in my neck of the woods, they had individual;y scheduled graduations over a period of about three days, where one family went into the gym at a time for the grad to walk across the stage and get their diploma, and then had a chance to take pictures outside.

Gayla said...

Happy pictures... and soon you will be right there with your beloved grandchildren.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...