Thursday, June 4, 2020

Roof Shadows

These are the shadows of trees on this barn roof. But I think they look so much like a painting or decoration created by someone.

Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
~Maori Proverb


Chatty Crone said...

Ginny I never would have thought to look at that - you are right - that was so pretty - it is all how you look at things!

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm not sure I would have even noticed that, in real life, Ginny. You are so observant. Either that or always keeping your eyes open for beauty in the world. Love, Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Because of the white it does look like a painting. :)

Reanaclaire said...

I agree with you, Ginny! They really look like they are painted on top of the roof. You are really observant!

Nancy Chan said...

The shadow makes a beautiful picture on the roof. You are very observant. Have a beautiful weekend.

Ann said...

I agree, it does look like a painting on the roof. Fabulous.

Tamago said...

The shadows do look like a painting and it's beautiful!
Great capture of nature's art :-)

I hope you have a great weekend xo

Rose said...

Ih, I like! And the barn looks to be a beauty.

George said...

These truly are beautiful shadows.

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful barn and those shadows make for two stunning shots.

DawnTreader said...

Wow, that's lovely! Great idea for a "mural" really...

Carla from The River said...

You capture such beauty and see so much of life that some would miss. I am so glad you share with us.
Love, Carla

photowannabe said...

Fantastic shadows. I thought of Mad Snapper Sandra when I saw them.
It really does look like a painted roof.
To answer your question from my blog...the last photo is of a blooming thistle. The petals are very shiny, paper-y and the inside has a fuzzy center. the thistles are very large. When open they measure about 2 to 3 inches across. These grow up in our mountains..the Sierra Nevada's.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The shadows create a beautiful picture on this roof.

Anonymous said...

Ginny, oh I love the shadows on the rooftops! What a show they must put on when it is windy!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great pictures of the shadows.

roughterrain crane said...

You have a good eye for the interesting phenomenon of nature. Happy Monday to you.


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