Monday, June 22, 2020

Grape Blossoms

We happened upon a large vineyard.  And as we started to pass by, it looked like the grape plants were covered in white blossoms! How could I have not known about this?

As we got closer, I saw that it was just a trick of the eye. The white "blossoms" were actually the backs of the leaves, which were being blown up by the wind.

Growing up, my family used to say that when you could see the backs of the leaves on trees, a storm was coming. And so it did!!


Hootin Anni said...

The truths of some of these "fables" are something else...just see it with your own proved this to be right.

Ann said...

It does look like blossoms. I have never heard the one about seeing the backs of the leaves but obviously it's true.

Carol said...

My grandpa used to always say that when the leaves on the trees were turned backside up, the trees were begging for water and a storm was comin. I guess he was right.

Tamago said...

Nice trick of eye from grape leaves. They do look like white blossoms! That is an interesting way to tell that the storm is coming :-)

George said...

Those leaves really do look like blossoms. I hpe the storm wasn't a severe one.

Nancy Chan said...

I too was tricked. I didn't know grapes do not have white flowers. Have a great week.

Rose said...

Great photos, Ginny and great quote. When I have a glass of my own home canned tomato juice, I say I am drinking liquid sunshine.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Daddy had a grape arbor and it was one of my most wonderful memories to stand under it and eat those grapes. I had never heard that about the backs of the leaves but I know it's true because when we're sitting here watching TV all of a sudden the leaves will start showing their backs and we know the storm is coming

Chatty Crone said...

Interesting - they did look like white flowers - I thought it might be how the grapes start! We had storms last night too. You live in the best area!

Ruth Hiebert said...

My Dad used to use that same phrase. I can’t recall if a storm really happened or not.

photowannabe said...

That saying is a new one for me. I will have to tuck it into my memory for now. We don't get the summer storms like you do so it may be a while and I will need a reminder.
I think I will go out and see how our grapes are doing..thanks for the prompt.

L. D. said...

The photo of blooms are wonderful. I had forgotten what they looked like. There will be lots of grapes on those vines.

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my gosh. That tricked my eye, too!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos and a pretty illustration with quote at the end. I never thought of grapes having blossoms either. I am always focused on the spring blossoms I suppose, but this was fun to learn. Thank you Ginny!

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