Friday, June 12, 2020

Ginny's Favorite Things - Yogurt Pt. 1

I thought I would copy Oprah's Favorite Things, and do my own. So from time to time, I will. This is part 1 of my favorite yogurts. Don't know when I will do Part 2. This honey yogurt is so good, and not too sweet. I use it to make pancakes also, instead of milk.

This Coffee & Cream is really good, too. And very mild, tasting more like latte.
I also love this low sugar lemon. White chocolate bits and graham chunks for dipping it in.

“Hey yogurt, if you're so cultured, how come I never see you at the opera?”
~ Attributed to Stephen Colbert


Nancy Chan said...

Chobani is new to me. Next time I must keep my eyes open wide to see if I can find this brand. Have a happy weekend.

Hootin Anni said...

Noosa brand is my favorite! Quite expensive, but ohhhh, delicious.

Ann said...

I haven't bought any yogurt in a while but I was buying Oikos. All three of these flavors sound really good

Natalia said...

I love yogurts, especially Greek yogurts, stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

They all look yummy. Now I'm wondering what kind of favorite things over has if it's food or other things. I have never watched her show so I don't even know what she does

The Padre said...

Not To Take Away From This But I Started Making My Own Yogurt Years Ago And You Wouldn't Believe The Difference In Taste - Its Worth A Shot And SUPER Easy To Make - Have A Wonderful Weekend


Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - I love the one that is lemon and cream and actually has bits of lemon peel in it!

Rose said...

I have tried and tried to like yogurt and have finally come to accept that I don't. But I still think it looks and sounds so good. So eat some for me, too!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The coffee and cream sounds wonderful .

The Feminine Energy said...

I love Chobani yogurt but have never seen these varieties, Ginny. Flavored yogurts like this are soooooo good! Love, Andrea xoxo

Tamago said...

Oh they all sound so yummy! I wish I could try them. (Too bad my body developed intolerance to yogurt!) The quote is smart and funny :-)

George said...

I have tried any of these yogurts, but they sure sound yummy.

Buttercup said...

I just found a new brand, Norman's, and bought tiramisu. I will be trying it for breakfast tomorrow.

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