A few days ago, we saw our very first Bald Eagle in the wild!! I was so excited, and could hardly believe it. We watched as he flew into the large dead tree. Here is how far away he was.
Good thing my camera is a Super Zoom!
When you soar like an eagle, you
attract the hunters.
Milton S. Gould
How special for you and these are good shots of the bird. These are the flowers on my post today Ginny. They ae orange Roses, Dahlia, Gertrude Jekyll Rose and the blue flowers are Salvia, Delphinium and Michaelmas Daisies
Awesome photos. They are a special treat to see. I've spotted a couple but at inconvenient times to stop and watch.
That was a bonus for you. The bald eagle is beautiful. Have a wonderful day.
O goodness Ginny!! What a special day!! And such a special bird.
They are suck majestic birds! Love the pictures!
awesome shots of your first sighting. wow... bless that zoom on your camera
Oh how I love, love, love eagles - he was just stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on seeing the eagle and getting these great photos.
Great subject line...
Great blog look...
Great quote...
Shadows mutter,
mist replies;
darkness purrs
as midnight sighs.~Rusty Fischer
He looks healthy and very regal.
Great shots of him. Your zoom really works. My camera has a lousy zoom.
Love seeing things (birds and critters) in their natural habitat.
Isn't it the most thrilling thing! We just saw two go by our house, as low as the treetops. We have seen then here, but never THAT low. I still can hardly believe it. We don't live but maybe a mile or so from the river and they were headed there.
Awesome ! Seeing one of these is indeed special.
*gasp* How very very beautiful, Ginny!!!! My goodness, I've never seen anything like this before, in the wild. What a gift for you that day! ~Andrea xoxoxo
That is so cool! The first place we saw a bald eagle was on the site on a Civil War Battlefield. We thought it was so touching to see it there.
Great camera, great picture. I'm so happy for you. โค๏ธ
Amazing beautiful flying symbol of a country, disappearing day by day.
beautiful absolutely beautiful!
Congrats on seeing your first Bald Eagle in the wild. You got some great photos of it. They are magnificent birds.
It's such a treat to see the Bald Eagle. They are such a grand bird.
I saw my very first one at the creek this year. You have taken some
lovely shots. So glad you got to see him in person. He's a handsome
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