In our neighborgood, skeletons are EVERYWHERE now. You really cannot go even one block without seeing at least one. I actually kind of like my first photo. Just a couple sitting under their tree in the front yard. I imagine them as an old married couple.
This guy is also relaxing in his yard with his dog.
This guy started out buried, but has somehow dug his way out.
These two are a gruesome welcoming committee.
And this one is a pirate!
Oh my goodness Ginny - those were DELIGHTFUL!
You have all the interesting things in your place. Imagine seeing skeletons everywhere. I wouldn't want to go out in the night for fear that the skeleton might move or even talk. Lol! I like the 1st and 2nd photos. Have a great day.
Those are pretty good displaying, and fun. That last one (cartoon) is a hoot!!
They sure do like their skeletons there.
People have been getting very creative with skeletons here as well. I saw an entire dining table set up in someone’s front yard with all of the seats taken by skeletons!
the first photo looks like two Floridians sitting by their banana trees getting a bone tan.. ha ha.. my son has a skeleton addiction, his He Shed has them on the walls year round, he loves all things Halloween. I am not a fan of skeletons and would not have one but the world sure loves them, i think because of the walking dead and other tv shows which i have never watched.. the people sure used a lot of creative ability with these. great photos of them, special kudos for the header shot
In my case Roger would be saying, 'she said she would only be in the quilt shop 5 minutes.'
These are not my favorites, but I love that people decorate in their own fun ways. You live in a very fun place!!!!
🎃 👻 🍬 🎃 👻 🍬 🎃
Happy Halloween.. very creative, thank you for sharing.
You sure do find some fun things in your area. I love that last pic!
Great photos! We have a lot of skeletons in our neighborhood this year. That last one is a hoot!
The last one made me laugh...
As I have said before..your neighborhood sure goes all out for Halloween.
Great post today.
I like the first one too. They look like they are enjoying each other's
company on the front porch. Isn't that something that your neighborhood
is filled with skeletons? Happy Halloween, Ginny.
*that is great that you were a stay at home mom as well. I was with my
kids all the time until they started school, then got a part time job
here and there, but was always there waiting to pick them up from school.
It's the best decision that I made. ; )
Me no likey.
These are so fun!
Happy Weds, Ginny!
Northville, the town next to us, puts skeletons everywhere in their downtown area this time of year. They are pretty clever, too! I believe I did a post about them last fall!
Skeletons make me laugh. I love the one waiting for his wife to get done shopping, haaahaha! xoxo
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