Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sunday Sunset

 Today it is not about the sun, it's about the cloud at sunset. Posted in order.

The man who has seen the rising moon break out of the clouds at midnight has been present like an archangel at the creation of light and of the world.

 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, you captured them at the perfect time. Gorgeous!

Chatty Crone said...

Just stunning!

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing pictures

Rose said...

I so love clouds like these!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the sun reflecting up into the clouds, spectacular and the dome enhances the photo to me.. gorgeous

roughterrain crane said...

Nature is the greatest artist. You have a good eye to catch a moment of beauty.

crafty cat corner said...

Wonderful uplifting photos Ginny, thankyou

Ruth Hiebert said...


Sue said...

So beautiful! When riding I always look for faces in the clouds! Thank you for sharing have a blessed Sunday! Sue

George said...

Th clouds are gorgeous! Well done!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Wow, how puffy!!!!!

Wonder what they are called? Don't think they really look like thunder storm clouds...

Everything about the composition of these pics is lovely.


The Feminine Energy said...

Very beautiful, Ginny!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

photowannabe said...

Its amazing how fast the colors change on the setting sun clouds.

Ann said...

Those are so pretty. Those clouds really make a statement

Anni said...

I thought I left a comment earlier this morning. Guess not. Of course you already know just how electric the colors are!! Beautiful.

Mari said...

Wow! That is just beautiful!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You certainly caught the "moment" (BTW, my new blog address is:

MARY JAMES said...
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Shug said...

Love the fluffiness of the clouds and a gorgeous view of the sunset shining through

CheerfulMonk said...

Great timing!

Red Rose Alley said...

Wow, that's a beautiful sunset, Ginny. That is an interesting quote also.
Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of my favorites.


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