Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Rock On

Today I saw on the local news about this artist who stacks towers of rocks. He uses no glue or wires, only balance. These two pics from the web show them.

He had made several of these just a few miles away, so we went to see them. But when we got there, look what we found! Hooligans had knocked them all down!!

Even despite this sign that says they are works of art and not to touch, or they will fall down!

Before we left, Phil had said that kids would have knocked them down by now. And he was right. WHY did they not lock them in plexiglass cases??

At least the moon was beautiful. Half a moon is better than none; too bad there were not even half the rocks left stacked.

"If it weren't for the rocks in its bed, the stream would have no song."

~ Carl Perkins


Ann said...

That is so sad. Why do people feel the need to destroy things like that.

Nancy Chan said...

Even if they do not know how to appreciate the rock art, they shouldn't have destroyed them. All the time and effort in balancing the rocks have gone to waste. So sad.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Fotografias fantásticas de que gostei de ver.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am thinking by calling attention to they will fall if touched is just to much for kids to pass them by. probably better to remove the sign. i say that because i have always been one that wants to step on the grass when a sign says keep off the grass. of course i don't follow through but i want to... they are pretty amazing. like the gorgeous sand castle they build on the beaches, they are not meant to be permanent or he would glue them togeher. the moon is spectacular

Rose said...

I dont understand the need to be destructive.

Chatty Crone said...

You asked why did they not lock them in plexiglass cases??
I ask the hooligans' why they cannot leave beauty alone?
Love the moon.

George said...

The stacked rocks are amazing -- it's too bad someone felt it would be 'fun' to knock them down.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

It's funny, to destroy.

Or, it's proving a point, to destroy.

Or, it's our *Right As Victims,* to destroy.

Ahhhhhh yes!

There are so many *Reasons,* for doing destruction, today.

Today, in this "Woke Culture."



Carla from The River said...

Yes, I do not get it. Why destroy?
LOVE the moon photo!

photowannabe said...

My son is great at doing the balancing rocks himself.
These are terrific, especially the pumpkin balancing one. I have never understood peoples need to destroy other people's things no matter what they are.
Tis a mystery to me.

The Feminine Energy said...

The rocks looks like they're pretty precarious so I wonder if a good strong wind knocked them over? Also, it may not have been "kids", if they were knocked down purposefully. Adults can be pretty doggone evil too, usually much more than kids. Sad to say. These are really cool tho. ~Andrea xoxoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! Thank goodness for pictures to capture them.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a shame that some people take pleasure in destroying things.

Linda said...

How disappointing!

Mari said...

I am impressed by people that can do this! What a shame that someone knocked them down.

Sue said...

I love how the rocks are stacked and balanced so well that truly is an art!
Kids find things like this so tempting, I guess they couldn't resist, but should be ashamed of themselves!Love the saying by Carl Perkins, was he the country singer? Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comment, Ginny!

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusta la foto de la calabaza pero mi preferida es la dela una. Adore el pensamiento. Enamorada de las letras

L. D. said...

Along the North Shore in Minnesota there are so many people that create these wonderful sculptures. Everyone has the need to be an artist. The signs are great to denounce liability.

Red Rose Alley said...

That rock art is amazing. How on earth do those pumpkins stay put? What a work of art. And such a pretty moon. I see a distinct face on the moon, how delightful. Eyes, nose, and mouth. : )


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