Monday, October 4, 2021

Frightful Places

 Many homes around here started decorating WEEKS ago for Halloween. Here are some of the earliest ones. Notice the eyes in the two upstairs rooms in this first photo.

This one really IS scary to me, and may have crossed a line. I would think it would give kids  nightmares. Opinions?

There is so much here that I can't make out a single thing.

Maybe a child's artwork.

I am not fond of spiders, and now I have to look at fake ones everywhere!

Again, so much going on here.

But this table display on the left side caught my attention.

I don't really like any of this, so we decorate for fall, not Halloween.

"I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse."

Philippians 4


Ann said...

Wow, those houses are really done up. I don't decorate for Halloween either, just fall. That last one made me laugh. I agree with you on that one crossing the line. Halloween might be spooky but it doesn't have to be gruesome.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Halloween isn’t my favourite. I live next to Salem, MA and it is the town between where I work and home so…i have to drive through every day. It’s crazy!!! I do like to see the houses all decorated.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the only thing i like is the pumkin made from boards and hand painted. with all the world in love with Walking Dead, i am surprised there are not more like the bad one here. we have no decorations anywhere and proably will not. there will be a few but not many.. tourist country I assume. even when my kids were little i only put out a jack o lantern. the plastic kind. when i see all things like this i wonder if those people have several charge cards that are maxed out because when I see decorations i think how much all that cost

Hootin Anni said...

You know me, I love it all.

Chatty Crone said...

I like Halloween, but I agree with you - fall decorations are great too. Some of those are cute and some are a bit overdone! lol

Rose said...

I dont care for a lot of this either...and I would not even want any type of seasonal decorations like some of these. They just look like a mess.

George said...

I don't think I've ever seen as many decorated homes as there are in your town!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh what a fun place you live in!!!!!

I like all of them, in that the people were willing to put thought, into adding some FUN, to this time of year. And we all know, we all need some FUN, during the terrible state of our Country and the world.

Nope, I don't care for spiders, or ugly witches, or dripping blood or the like!!! Nope!

But again, these I can see as.... these people adding fun, to their neighborhood.

But to each his/her own. -smile-


Inger said...

We don't have Halloween in Sweden and I've never become fond of this holiday. We have something similar where children go around visiting and getting treats on the Thursday before Easter. They dress up like witches and wizards on broomsticks, a black cat attached I (in drawings, not real life, the cat I mean), ready to fly away to a place called Blue Kulla. Not sure what Kulla is, I always thought it was a hill where witches gathered.

The Feminine Energy said...

Your neighborhood sure does get into halloween, don't they, Ginny! *haha* I don't care for the "busy" decorations either, as I can't make them out. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

I very much prefer the Christmas decorations, but these folks obviously like this season ass well.

Red Rose Alley said...

You know, now that the kids are grown, I don't decorate for Halloween much.
I have a plaque and three witches sewn together, that's about it. I really like this verse that you shared today. It's so special.


*that's a great idea to put pinecones in a bowl with ribbon and spray paint
them gold. I may want to do something like that. Thanks for the suggestion,
Ginny. They kind of look like little trees, don't they? : )

Reanaclaire said...

Yeah, some houses are really serious in celebrating Halloween... my neighbour has two small ones hanging up his awning... I also dont like to hang these scary deco in my house...

Mari said...

I'm with you. I really don't like Halloween decorating. I decorate for Fall as well.

Carla from The River said...

I am with you.. not really into scary Halloween. And I agree, some take it way TOO far with blood and scary images.

Veronica Lee said...

I like cute spooky but not gruesome spooky.

Halloween is generally not celebrated over here in our corner of the world but I would love to amble in your neck of the woods to see all these decorations.

Thanks for sharing the photos, Ginny.

DeniseinVA said...

There are a lot more Halloween decorations around my neighborhood this year. People come and people go and I think more children have moved into our area.

DawnTreader said...

I always marvel at American Halloween decorations... They always seem way over the top from my Swedish perspective ;) (I've never seen anything like it here, and definitely not weeks ahead.)

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