Thursday, October 14, 2021

In The Waiting Room

 My last doctor appointment was actually fun. Because this was the other patient sitting in the corner. He had brought his little dog with him, too. He even obliged me by waving at the camera.

They were even BOTH wearing masks. It wouldn't have been polite to ask him the reason for his appointment. But I think it was for some kind of bone problem.

         Too bad I didn't have any dog treats in my purse. He was so good, and never barked once.

“Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existence.” ~James Bryce


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

OH! I think if this was the last patient, I wonder will I get out of here alive!!! Have a lovely weekend.

Ann said...

Love it. A doctors office with a sense of humor. A friend of mine suggested I follow her brother on facebook. He takes gorgeous pictures but recently he's been doing a series with a skeleton couple named Bonapart and Bona Lisa

Hootin Anni said...

Now, THIS is funny.

Rose said...

Too least you had something to photograph.

Nancy Chan said...

If I am alone with these other patients in the waiting room, I will faint if the other patient started to move or speak to me. Have a wonderful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now I am pondering just what kind of doctor was this? maybe an orthopedic specialist? also pondering was there one in every room? is this the only room and for special people? is he a he or a she? how old is this doctor... my son would love this, he is all about skeletons, always has been and he is 53 now and I don't think he will outgrow it.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


But is the doctor making an "unspoken statement"????????

Notice, neither the patient nor his dog, have the masks, covering their noses!!!!


Since masks do not work, if you know the facts, about the teeny, weenie size of the virus particles, I do not cover my nose.

When I do, I have difficulty breathing.

Which can cause me to get faint and possibly fall down.

Then I'd really need health care!!!!



Inger said...

Your doctor must love Halloween! And has a sense of humor. But seeing a dog skeleton upset me a whole lot more than seeing a person's. Go figure!

Inger said...

And I love the background wallpaper you found, it's perfect. While on the subject, I also love that you change it every time you post to go with what you are posting about. This on is perfect!

George said...

I know that waiting in the waiting room can take a lot of time, but this seems to be a little too much.

crafty cat corner said...

I don't think I would like looking at this in our Doctor's waiting room, it's horrible.

Sandi said...

"My last doctor appointment was actually fun. Because this was the other patient sitting in the corner."

Um. Not sure your doctor is very good! 😂

photowannabe said...

Love the humor of this...
Waiting in the doctor waiting room can make one feel like its forever...
Too funny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is too funny. somebody in that office has a sense of humor.

Mari said...

What fun! I'm sure it gives lots of smiles to people coming in.

CheerfulMonk said...


DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, I don't like to think how long that wait was, LOL! Your doctor is a hoot!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh not sure that was good or bad being in his office - lol.

Bobbie said...

HaHaHaHa!! Never a dull moment in your journeys. Love it!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this. It made me smile.

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