Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Christmas At Lowes

 We had to go to Lowes today for an elictrical cord. And much to my surprise, we stepped into a Christmas wonderland!

I wanted this wreath, but it was $50.00!

We didn't buy any of these, but it sure was fun looking!

"Oh, for the good old days when people would stop Christmas shopping when they ran out of money." ~Author unknown


CheerfulMonk said...

Wow, that’s early! But apparently with the supply problems people have to plan way ahead this year.

Nancy Chan said...

Early preparing for Christmas season. Hope this year Christmas will be better than last year's. I too like the fun looking santa claus in the last picture. Have a wonderful day.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Christmas certainly is a colourful festive time and I hope we can celebrate it better this year than last year.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the gnome in the middle of your photo list. (But you know what? I'm thinking the market is over-saturated with gnomes!)

Ann said...

Wow, they are even more done up than Walmart was that day I was in. I love that gnome in the 5th picture. That wreath is really pretty but I wouldn't pay that much for one either.
To answer your question, I get a total of 15 days vacation each year. I usually only take a day or two here and there. The last few years I haven't even used up all my vacation time. It's been probably 5 years since I took a whole week at a time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

did you debate wheter to buy that gnome with lights on it? everything is beautiful. i love those white trees. I have not seen any Christmas but that is because I have only been in Petsmart and Walmart. did not go to that side of walmart this past saturday. only the grocery side.

Rose said...

It is almost overwhelming to see it all...and so wish they would wait till after Halloween at least!

George said...

I think it is much too early to be thinking about Christmas. I'm still waiting for the fall colors.

Chatty Crone said...

A little early for Christmas - but I like you love to go out and look at all the wonderful things they have!

Inger said...

Usually, I wouldn't like Christmas displayed this eary. But I've had a bad morning and those round-nosed Santas really cheered e up. Happy Holidays, giggles, giggles....

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A weeeeeee bit too early, say I. -smile-

Great quote!

🎃 😊 🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🎃

DeniseinVA said...

Great selection of Christmas-y photos Ginny. I read that everything is going to be in short supply, toys, all kinds of things you would buy for gifts, so maybe this is the reason they are putting their displays up early.

DawnTreader said...

Oh no, not already... :o

The Feminine Energy said...

Ohhhhhh... how wonderful, Ginny!! A Christmas wonderland... instant happiness! Thank you for sharing!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! I was in Winnipeg,our nearest large city today and was pleasantly surprised to see some Christmas decorations out.

Mari said...

I'm not ready for that yet! But it is pretty.

Linda said...

It's still hot in Texas!! I am yearning for chilly weather so I can put my flannel sheets on the bed here at home. While I am never ready to take fall down....I do plan on starting my Christmas decorating early in November. And I may try to 'dial it back' a bit. Not sure if I can actually do that or not.
Tonight I took aall the old framed photos off of the mantle in the dining room. Then I hung a new Home Sweet Home sign I bought on Tuesday at the thrift store on the wall space above the mantle. I had a moment of silence to honor the fact that I have a flat surface with NOTHING on it!!! Not sure that has ever happened in this house before!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love Lowes at Christmastime. We don't have a Lowe's up here in the mountains, and I sure do miss it. Those gnomes are sooooo cute. The wreath is quite expensive, but pretty. Isn't that quote the truth? Love that one.


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