Sunday, October 17, 2021

Giant Candy

 O.K., truth time. How many of you couldn't wait to read this because it has the word "candy" in the title? Do you love candy, and if so, do you give in to your cravings? What is your favorite candy?  This candy is GIANT! The Kit Kat bar was bigger than a placemat.

The Snickers is probably over a foot long.

And the Dum Dum Pops are about the size of a baseball.

Did I buy any? No. But I may have if there was a Hershey Bar, Milky Way, or York Mints. Can you imagine the stomach ache you would get?

Candy is sugar that's all dressed up for the party.

 ~Terri Guillemets


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Confusion - i am a GREAT Snickers fan!

Nancy Chan said...

Yes, I would be tempted if I were years younger. I have never seen them in these sizes.

Hootin Anni said...

I could never turn down a TWIZZLERS red licorice in my truck r treat bag. But giant sized? Probably not.

Hootin Anni said...


Ann said...

Reese's peanut butter cups have always been my favorites. Lately I've been very good so I would be able to turn them down.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I think my grandchildren would love that!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

daddy's favorite candy bar was Snickers. the last year of his life, dealing with Parkinsons and dementia, he had one normal sized one every day at 3 pm snack and had vanilla ice cream before he ate his lunch. this snicker would last him a long time. bob asked what is a kitkat.. from under the rock he lives under. where did you find these giants?

Rose said...

I love that quote!

The Feminine Energy said...

WOW, now that's some candy, I tell ya!! A beautiful sight to behold. *lol* ~Andrea xoxoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Were you in Cracker Barrel? Too big for me!

Red Rose Alley said...

Wow, giant candy! To answer your question...Yes, I love candy, but I can't have too much sugar. But if there were some butter fingers there, I would
have snatched them up haha. Almond Joy too!

Have a good October week.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Candy, if it has chocolate involved , is my friend .

Red Rose Alley said...

Ginny, I got the glittery bird at a shop downtown. I was very surprised to see a shop like this in the mountains, but the owners are from San Francisco, and they really deck the place out and have a Christmas section all year long. I love browsing in there, but kind of pricey, but they have antiques and new items as well. The little gnome Christmas towel I couldn't resist, and I found that at the grocery store. And the cinnamon candle I found at Rite Aid yesterday. It was already half off, and was only a dollar. If you have a
Rite Aid, you can check it out. I love the smell of cinnamon at Fall. : )

photowannabe said...

I saw that Giant Kit Kat bar at Cracker Barrel the other day. Huge tummy ache if I ate it all (:0)
I really try to not eat any candy because I just can't stop at on piece and I'm not suppose to eat it anyway.
Love your Jelly Belly candies background.

Sandi said...

I feel very small...

Hena Tayeb said...

Reese Pieces are my favorite.. I always have some in the house and when I am just feeling so blue I eat one. Savoring every bite. Wish they came in a large size..

Beside a babbling brook... said...

They are real!!!?????!!!!?????!!!!!

And what a super Blog LOOK, for today!!!!!!!!!

I can't eat chocolate, and most fav candy has chocolate. So...... Hardly any candy for me.


Mari said...

Wow - that is a big kitkat! I would go for Hersheys too!

Carla from The River said...

I wonder how you eat a Dum Dum that big? Break it with a hammer into chunks?

My Tata's Cottage said...

Those are huge candy bars. I will take a mini as I have learned not to overindulge. My hubby loves the Snickers. I am a Heath Bar kinda gal.

DeniseinVA said...

I am a big chocolate lover but try to stay away from it as it gives me bad headaches, always has. When I do break down I buy no more than one small bar as I wouldn't be able to stop myself. Could I justify buying a giant chocolate bar and say well, it's only one bar? You betcha, LOL! My favorites are Kit-Kat and Peanut Butter Cups. I also like Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Marzipan. Oh boy, I'm craving it right now.

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