Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hobby Lobby

 After the doctor we went to Hobby Lobby. It is out of town, so I don't get there very much. This huge wood peacock was on a high shelf.

I liked this colorful elephant with bells underneath. Wonder what is the reason for this?

Care to pay $200.00 for a giant gold gorilla?

And witches already, in July! This looks like a mom and her children witchlets.

The ride home was lovely. I adore being surrounded by mountains.

As we get to the top of the mountain, we are looking down on the valley we live in.

What did I buy there? You'll see on my next post.

“A hobby is only fun if you don’t have time to do it”

 – Leo Beenhakker



Nancy Chan said...

I used to have a few hobbies but for now they are all put on old.

CheerfulMonk said...

That is a beautiful ride home! You live in a lovely area.

roentare said...

The elephant bells are exquisite! The sceneries are very nice

Ann said...

Hobby Lobby is right up the road from Michaels here. Too far to drive to often but when I go that way I'll usually stop at both. Can't wait to see what you bought. I'm pretty sure it's not that gold gorilla.

Mari said...

There are some unusual things in that Hobby Lobby! I'm sure you bought something better than what you showed. :)
Beautiful scenery on your drive!

Jeanette said...

LOVE Hobby Lobby! I could spend some serious money there! Curious to see what you got!

Sandi said...

$200. For a giant gold gorilla.


Where would that even go?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the only thing you showed us in your photos that I want to be in my surroundings is the grass and trees and mountains of your views. I would not take any of the hobby lobby things as a gift. if i had the elephant we could sell it on ebay. found one just like it for 110.00 oy vey

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

I like Hobby Lobby as well even though it's not in city we live in. I like to buy cards and gifts from them. I have yarn to knit a sweater that is still waiting for me to do.

photowannabe said...

Hmmm...not my taste or my wallet for a lot of things that Hobby Lobby has but I like your description of the Witch and her witchletts made me smile. Just yesterday at WalMart I saw a lot of Fall decor being placed on the shelves...the seasons sure get shoved ahead.
Can't wait to see what you bought.
PS You live in a gorgeous valley.

Carla from The River said...

Hi, I am going to Hobby Lobby this afternoon. I need to pick up some more fabric for the T-Shirt Quilt I am almost done with. ;-)
Not sure about the gold gorilla. Ha!
I love the photos of your valley.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, what a lovely drive in the mountains. I always thought you lived in the mountains, but I guess you are in the valley? Love that countryside scene with the white fence. oh, Hobby Lobby is the best. Can't wait to see what you bought. Love browsing through there during the holidays.....and Fall!


Chatty Crone said...

I love Hobby Lobby. That green pumpkin in your header - was that from there?

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh Ginny the mountains in your part of Virginia are SO beautiful. I am glad their majesty is not wasted on you! xoxo

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