Thursday, July 20, 2023

Spaghetti Pancakes & Cards

 This summer, we have been having the girls over once a week to have fun! Tonight we had dinner, did card tricks and crafts, and went to the kids racecar track. Ever made spaghetti pancakes? This is how. Use regular pancake batter. Serve with maple syrup and powdered sugar.

I think this batch looks more like fries. We also had fruit and donuts.

They made these spring wreath crafts.

Then Phil showed them some of his card tricks.

Much hilarity and hysterical laughter ensued. But they picked up on the tricks quickly, and were even able to guess how he did some of them.

Old card players never die, they just shuffle away.

~Author unknown


DeniseinVA said...

Awww, love all these sweet photos. Your granddaughters are beautiful young ladies. I have never had spaghetti pancakes before. They look sooooo good!!! So do all the other yummies. Looks like a great time. Thanks for letting us share in the fun.

roentare said...

I love the vibe in your photos. Yes to pancakes of any kind even spaghetti

Ann said...

Sounds like a fun filled evening. How cool are those pancakes. They do look like french fries on the plate.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they look so happy! and what super idea for pancakes, easy to do and fun. not like boring round ones...french fries that taste like pancakes is a big deal to me

Mari said...

Spaghetti pancakes look fun!
Love the pics of the girls laughing and having fun.

George said...

It looks like you had a wonderful evening with the girls. The spaghetti panakes look interesting.

My Tata's Cottage said...

:pove seeing your phamily and always enjoy the quote matching your post. We play gin rummy together. My husband always wins! hahahaha

Anne M Robinson said...

Those pancakes are so cool! Tasty too I imagine. Enjoy my visits here. Came on early praying the power stays on as we keep getting late day storms too. Have a great weekend.

Also need to correct my comment from MY Tata's Cottage. I was saying I LOVE seeing your phamily. Such fun times.

Take care xo

Linda said...

How fun you are!!! Grandkids are wonderful and I love to see all the things you do with yours!!!

photowannabe said...

How fun to be creating such special memories with the granddaughters.
We used to do that with our family too, but now they are married and we can't get together as often as before.
There is nothing like FAMILY...

Chatty Crone said...

Wonderful you have granddaughters that still want to come over and visit! Love it.

Reanaclaire said...

So happy to see the girls all grown up and they look really joyful too! You and Phil really did a good job.. God Bless!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love reading about times with your family. Your grandchildren will have such happy memories. ❤️

Red Rose Alley said...

The flower wreaths are delightful. And those donuts! I love a good donut. Now, I'm wondering what that yummy chocolate dessert is? The kids look like they had lots of fun with craft projects and card tricks. The picture of them laughing is priceless.


Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Spaghetti pancakes 🥞 look delicious. Looks you all had a good time together. The girls are beautiful. Have a good weekend.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I don't know from card tricks but I love your party night menu, Ginny! Never had (or heard of) spaghetti pancakes but they sound delicious. xoxo

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