Thursday, July 6, 2023


 Our family came over for a Fourth celebration. I had made various nibbles, and put them out.

As we were getting ready to set the fireworks off, this bunny appeared in the yard. Oh NO, the poor thing would be scared witless! But it seemed he retreated across the street and watched!

Let the fireworks begin!

After the fireworks, the girls got out the sparklers.


Billie Jo said...

What a wonderful celebration!!!! Your treats look yummy!

Linda said...

I love your 'nibbles' and the pretty people and the pretty lights!!

roentare said...

It is just so wonderful to have a sparkle here and there

CheerfulMonk said...

What a neat celebration. I especially like that red-white-and-blue plate. That was so clever.

Ann said...

Looks like a fun time. I didn't see any fireworks this year. I was asleep too early for them.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

oh my goodness everything looks so delicious! Sweet little bunny. We seem to have so many more rabbits lately. I think during COVID when there was no traffic on the road the rabbits multiplied fiercely and now they are as plentiful as squirrels! I'm glad your little friend enjoyed the fireworks.

Mari said...

It looks like you ate well and had lots of fun!

Sandi said...

😊We did the same here.

Red Rose Alley said...

Sparklers are always fun. Love that last picture of the circle, that's a cool one. Your goodies look good. Those pretzels are calling me. ; ) The flag platter is festive. And I noticed your blue walls in the kitchen. That's a pretty color.

Have a lovely weekend, Ginny.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love sparklers, used to do those, way back a hundred years ago. food looks beautiful and delish

George said...

It looks as if you had a wonderful Fourth of July celebration. I'm sure even the bunny enjoyed it.

Latane Barton said...

What a fun evening!!!! And, yes, we all should sparkle every chance we get. Life is just so dang short so make the most of it.

photowannabe said...

Looks like a great time was had by all and your treats look festive and perfect.

Jeanette said...

Looks fun!

My Tata's Cottage said...

What a fun celebration!O h my goodness, last time I held a sparkler was when our oldest son married in 2016 and lite the walkway for them leaving their reception with them! But great memories of them as a kid too. My dad set up a big metal bucket filled with water and had the hose nearby . Those were the fun days. Your nibbles looked yummy too. I am sure you all had great fun! Have a great weekend.

Carla from The River said...

YUM, your nibbles look yummy!!!
I love the sparkler photos. :-)

HappyK said...

Looks like a fun happy day.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ginny your nibbles look better than some full meals! What fun! And I love your fireworks pictures. We didn't even have any sparklers this year, haaaha! I need to tell TG to step up his game for next year. xoxo

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