Sunday, September 29, 2024

When Life Gives You Storms...

 A lot of our city was flooded, but not really badly. The parking lot at The Dollar General has a big dip in it, and gets a huge deep puddle when it rains. 

Driving in, we saw that a father and his little girl had put on rain boots and were splashing in the large puddle!

What a wonderful thing this Dad did for his little girl! She was just having a blast! Kicking and splashing.

Then another smaller girl joined them, I think she was the little sister. Sorry about the blurry shots.

The rain boots were of no use, as they sat, laid, and even tried to swim in the water! Of course they screamed when they had to leave and get in the car.


— Michael K. Williams

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Stormy Sunday

 While we were out today, we passed some signs of yesterday's storm. The river was really high.

For some reason the geese wouldn't go in it. They stayed on the grass.

Several large trees were down.

I spotted some color amid the damage.

The tree trucks were out everywhere.

A tree was down in front of this house. I think the house is so cute and unusual.

“It takes a real storm in the average person’s life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls.”

 – Bruce Barton


Friday, September 27, 2024

The MadSnapper & Me

 Those of you who follow Sandra, the Mad Snapper need to know this. The hurricane hit there and she has had no power since yesterday. They are alright, but the yard is totally trashed and the cars are trapped in the garage because the garage door opener is electric. Be n prayer for them. Also pray that they do not get hurt trying to clean up, that someone will help them.

Here, the weather is quite bad with tornado watches. Our power has been blinking. So if you don't hear from me, you will know we have lost power.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Morning Mystery

 Looking out the front window the other morning, we spotted this. On a tree branch at the house across the street.

Looks maybe like some kind of bird! Using my zoom, I looked closer. It was not there yesterday

Yikes, it IS a very large bird! Even see the tail? The city next to us, about 20 minutes away, has groups of vultures. They nest in tall pines and patrol for food. Maybe now we have our own vultures? I zoomed closer.

Well, it has to be a vulture. No other bird around here is so large and black. But I still cannot get a good enough look to confirm it, drat! Despite my bad foot, and still wearing my bathrobe, we drove across the street to the house. I hoped no one was out and saw me! This is what we saw.

Duh!!! It looks like maybe a nest was blown in by last night's storm? Could it be a squirrel's nest (a Drey)? It is still there now, and I look for any kind of critter that goes near it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The House On The Corner

 You may remember this house that I have posted before. They made planters from old tires, and paint them to match the seasons. In the spring, they are pink. Now they are yellow.

Passing them the other day, I noticed they had some cute fall decorations out.

And they had these tall flowers that, of course, match the tire planters. I have not seen flowers like them, do you know what they are?

Home is the nicest word there is.” — Laura Ingalls Wilder

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Nosy Neighbor

 Do you know what plant this is?

It is on this bush that our next-door neighbor is growing. They have a tiny pumpkin patch beside their back door!

They put this one on their back stoop. By now you might have guessed that I am the nosy neighbor!

They have this cute scene in the front yard.

And this is their fall flag.

By now, some nosy critters had gathered to watch ME!

Speaking of flags, here are the two fall flags that I ordered. Oh MY, they are much brighter than I had thought! Hopefully the sun will fade them a bit.

Good neighbors always spy on you to make sure you are doing well.

Pawan Mishra

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Just A Girl Who Loves Coffee


Since this was the first day of Fall, I thought I would show you our fall coffee corner.

 “I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake.”

Lewis Black

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Firehawk

I will not be visiting blogs today, as we have a busy day and will be gone most of the day. 

As we were driving down the highway, I spotted this on the side of the road.

What? We stopped and got a better look.

It was a new Firestone auto and tire center that had just opened. and this is their mascot, The Firehawk. Firehawk is apparently a fancy racing tire that Firestone makes, and named their mascot after it.

You can even buy Firehawk things online. This was all news to me!

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...