Friday, September 13, 2024

The Wall Of Pumpkins

 Today we passed the first pumpkin stand I have seen this year. It was in a beautiful location.

Let's drive past and take a look.

And their yearly wall of pumpkins.

“There are three things that I’ve learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.”

— Linus, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown


MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE that wall of punkins... pretty amazing decoration. my favorite of all the pumpkins is those very large squished down ones. I am wondering how much they weigh

Ann said...

They've got a lot of pumpkins. That wall of pumpkins looks like it could be a photo backdrop.

Inger said...

How great to find so many pumpkins. I love the Linus quote, very smart.

Mari said...

That's a great way to display the pumpkins!

Chatty Crone said...

I thought that was a great way to display the pumpkins too. Those pumpkins all looked so unique. Really good ones. Love this time of year.

photowannabe said...

Oh I love the variety and colors of all of the "punkins" That's what my Daddy would call me. (:0)

DawnTreader said...

I've never seen such large pumpkins in real life. Once upon a time, probably back in the 1990s, I once did grow a pumpkin of 2 kilos on the balcony where I lived back then, though...

Simone said...

Creative way to display pumpkins. I'm not a fan of pumpkins as far as spice and pie and bread but I like that it rings in the fall season!

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like that wall of pumpkins.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

The wall of pumpkins is fantastic. Love it.

Rose said...

I so love all these shots...I just love pumpkins.

Linda said...

It's beautiful!! Home Depot had a glorious display yesterday! I bought one!

Annie Jeffries said...

So cheerful. I have not seen the like in many years. For some reason this area does not attract this sort of fun.

DeniseinVA said...

A great find for sure! Love the displays!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a pretty countryside the pumpkins are nestled in. That's a cool wall of pumpkins, displaying so many unique and different colored pumpkins. I've never been too fond of the grey ones, but Jess loves them.


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