Monday, September 2, 2024

Lights In the Darkness

 This summer I posted about how so many people have lights around their houses. It started as a festive way to deal with covid, but apparently is here to stay! Ad that's fine with me. Here are just a few around here. I love this archway!

These neighbors only have lights on their steps. So that makes it practical as well.

This house has draped lights around their upper deck.

And Yucca in the dark. I thought it looked rather ghostly.

  • "The light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion; the tunnel is."


Ann said...

They all look nice. There aren't any houses around here that have lights all year. However, there are people who keep their Christmas lights up year round. They just don't turn them on until closer to Christmas.

roentare said...

The lights up are so lovely. It would be the light in the dark

Kara said...

oops! For some reason A heartful child keeps coming up. I opened that blog but never used it.

Shug said...

Oh yes....I love all these lights. This is me to a T. I have lights all around our backyard. I like the house with the lights on the steps. This is a neat idea. I think you are so right...this started with covid and has increased. I think lights have a way of lifting our spirits.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh, I LOVE lights too. They make you happy and warm. I don't see people here using them though. I like number four - where they are under the wrap around porch - which I wish I had one of too!

photowannabe said...

I would love a wrap around porch and there definitely would be little fairy lights around it too. A lot of people around here have their "carriage" lights lit on the sides of their garage doors. Like to look at them but the only time ours are on is for company and Halloween for the kids.

HappyK said...

Don't see lights up all year around here. I keep mine on around the mantel inside though.

Red Rose Alley said...

I like the house with the lights around the deck. I think it's attractive when people put lights around their decking. And the last one looks like the trees are illuminated, so pretty. You sure have many neighbors who love to decorate, Ginny. I look forward to seeing the houses at Christmastime.


Billie Jo said...

Lots of lights! And I love them. I love a bit of brightness twinkling in the dark. Thank you for always sharing the neatest things, my friend!

DeniseinVA said...

Lights are always lovely. You got great photos.

Rose said...

I love lights, too. I would not mind keeping a string of the mini Christmas lights up all year.

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