Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Gift

 A neighbor knocked on our back door a couple days ago with this vase of flowers for us. She did not even know I was sick! So it came at the perfect time! Do you know what the flowers are?

Dahlias! I had never seen Dahlias that look like this! The kind I see look like this one that I snapped at the greenhouse. How different they look!

But after doing research, there are a lot of different kinds. I had no idea. Aztecs used dahlias for food and medicine. They called the plants “acocotli” or “water pipe flower” because of their hollow stems.

Anyway, while researching, I found these pics on the web of people who got Dahlia tattoos!

This style is called Mandela.

  • “Tattoos—because pain is temporary, but bragging rights are forever.”


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea this was dahlias, they are gorgeous. I did not know that they come in different styles. I think I like your flowers better than the others. and yellow is my favorite color for flowers

DawnTreader said...

Yes I knew they were dahlias. My mum used to have different kinds of them planted along one side of the house in summer (digging them up in the autumn and keeping them in the cellar until next spring when she planted them again)

Ann said...

What a sweet thing for your neighbor to do. I would not have known that those were dahlias. They sure are pretty.
The tattoos are amazing. That second one is my favorite. I don't get the desire to have a tattoo but I do appreciate the artwork involved in them.

Mari said...

Dahlias are so pretty and have so many varieties! It was sweet of your neighbor to bring them. I'm sorry you've been sick. Hope you're feeling better!

Shug said...

This was a perfect gift of kindness. A beautiful color of yellow and I love the spider look. I did not know that there were different kinds of first I thought this was a type of mum

CheerfulMonk said...

I wouldn’t have guessed they were dahlias either. And sunshine yellow was the perfect color. I hope you are starting to feel better.❤️

George said...

I also have never seen dahlias like these, but they sure are bautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

Gorgeous flowers and so thoughtful of your neighbor, such a kind thing to do. The tattoos are amazing. I never had the desire to get one but tattoo the people who do them are true artists and I can appreciate that. I hope you are feeling better today.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, I knew they were Dahlia's because an old blog friend, who doesn't blog anymore, used to loved them! What a thoughtful gesture for your neighbor to bring you a vase of flowers. I hope you are feeling better, Ginny. Those tattoos are something else.....and the quote made me laugh, it's true because of the pain! : )

Have a wonderful week.


Carla from The River said...

Ginny... those are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I do hope you are feeling better.
Love, Carla

Ida said...

How nice of your neighbor to bring you flowers. Dahlias are such a pretty flower. - Some interesting tattoos.

Chatty Crone said...

The dahlias - especially in yellow are just fantastic. A nice treat for you. And for me - no tattoos - I am too scared.

HappyK said...

The flowers are beautiful. Such a nice neighbor.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a kind and thoughtful neighbor. We need more like her. Even though she didn't know you were sick, God must have nudged her...because He wanted you to be blessed. How cool is that?

Beautiful flowers. I've always liked Dahlias, but they are hard for me to grow. I like the ones she gave you; they are unique looking.
Well I hope you are on the mend and feeling better.

Linda said...

I hope you are feeling better! Speaking of tatoos - my son, Jesse, got his first's a coffee related one and very nice. When he said 'first' one - I'm wondering what the second will be! No tatoos for ME!!! I am still surprised that I had my ears pierced! Twice! Once for my 70th birthday and again for my 75th. Not planning on any other piercings!

Rose said...

You have nice neighbors! Those flowers are beautiful.

Re the hibiscus...the bloom just was not fully open....

Jenny the Pirate said...

I thought they were mums, haha! Shows you how much I know. Dahlias are beautiful. And how kind of your neighbor to bring you some! I have been out of the loop and I'm sorry that I didn't know you were sick, Ginny. I'll keep reading xoxo

The Happy Whisk said...

I could take macro shots of those pretty yellow flowers for hours.

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...