Thursday, September 26, 2024

Morning Mystery

 Looking out the front window the other morning, we spotted this. On a tree branch at the house across the street.

Looks maybe like some kind of bird! Using my zoom, I looked closer. It was not there yesterday

Yikes, it IS a very large bird! Even see the tail? The city next to us, about 20 minutes away, has groups of vultures. They nest in tall pines and patrol for food. Maybe now we have our own vultures? I zoomed closer.

Well, it has to be a vulture. No other bird around here is so large and black. But I still cannot get a good enough look to confirm it, drat! Despite my bad foot, and still wearing my bathrobe, we drove across the street to the house. I hoped no one was out and saw me! This is what we saw.

Duh!!! It looks like maybe a nest was blown in by last night's storm? Could it be a squirrel's nest (a Drey)? It is still there now, and I look for any kind of critter that goes near it.


Ann said...

LOL, I was convinced by the first couple pictures that it was a bird.

Mari said...

Too funny! I thought it was a vulture too!

Shug said...

LOL....I thought it was a bird and in the next few pictures, I was still convinced that it was a bird. What a surprise to see that it's not...Funny!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

lol! I can just picture you out there in your bathrobe snooping around taking pictures!

HappyK said...

I thought it was a vulture too. :)

Debby said...

That’s funny. I didn’t know what it was. At first I thought it was a bear cub.

Morning Mystery

 Looking out the front window the other morning, we spotted this. On a tree branch at the house across the street. Looks maybe like some kin...