Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 After two rounds of different antibiotics, my pneumonia is finally gone! Hurrah! But a few days later, I woke up and could hardly walk. Awful pain in my foot with each step. Thinking it was broken, we went to the emergency clinic. Not broken, but severe arthritis in my ankle. They wrapped it up and sent me to a foot surgeon.

The wrap did no good at all. The foot surgeon said we could try injections, but he was doubtful they would help. He wants to do a bone fusion, with screws and such. But healing takes up to nine months off your foot, with more pain! Meanwhile I am on a walker and in a wheelchair when out. I will likely not get the surgery, just not worth the down time at my age. I'm going to my pain clinic and see if they have any options. Meanwhile this has necessitated quite a few trips to McDonalds, since standing is hard and walking is harder.

I hope I am not complaining, just letting you know. There are so many people much worse off than me!! Meanwhile, speaking of McDonalds, I came across this copycat recipe for their secret sauce.

“McDonald’s being the official restaurant of the Olympics is like smoking being the official medicine of cancer.”

– Robert Downey, Jr.



DeniseinVA said...

Oh no, I am so sorry about this Ginny. I hope your pain clinic can bring some relief. Good news on the pneumonia. We went through the drive-thru at McDonalds in Winchester yesterday :) Gregg was craving a Big Mac but didn’t indulge this time. He settled for a regular cheeseburger. He is going to be very happy about this recipe. Thanks so much :) Take good care of yourself my friend and I hope your poor foot will feel better soon. Yes, having surgery at our stage we have to give that a whole lot of thought, especially with that lengthy recovery time.

Ann said...

I'm glad to hear you're over the pneumonia but sorry to hear about your foot. That must be awful. I know how bad the arthritis pain can be and I'm just starting out with it.
I have a recipe for Big Mac salad and it uses the secret sauce for a dressing. That stuff is good.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh no, so sorry, Sis to hear this about the ankle. I agree with the no surgery thing. hope the pain clinic can help, maybe therapy? I have Arthur in both ankles and sometimes it gives me fits, and the varicose veins chime in on certain days and they play a duet. gotta love our aging process, or NOT!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh no Ginny! I'm so sorry. My husband has very severe arthritis. It's very painful. Hopefully this is a flare up and it will get easier for you.

Mari said...

Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry! I'll be praying they are able to come up with a way to treat it.

Chatty Crone said...

Bittersweet, I'm thrilled your pneumonia is gone, so sad about your foot. I hope and pray they can find some pain relief for you. I would be careful about surgery too.

That McDonald's quote is right on!

Carla from The River said...

SENDING BIG HUGS!!! I agree with Chatty Crone, I would be careful about surgery too.

Jeanette said...

I'm sorry about your foot. I hope the pain clinic can be of some help!

Sandy said...

Sorry to hear about your foot. Hope the pain clinic is able to offer you some relief. Maybe you could get food delivered via uber eats or something like that so you could have variety.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry you are in pain, Ginny. My mom had arthritis, and every now and then, she would get cortisone shots, and they helped. I hope you figure out the right treatment and care for your foot pain. Take care and rest, Ginny.


HappyK said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Sounds very painful. Will pray that the pain clinic will be able to give you some relief!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

So sorry to hear of this Ginny. It sounds very painful. I hope you can find some way to manage the pain. Yikes on the pins and rods in your foot. That sounds awful to me. I pray for God’s healing - I pray He will manage your pain. I pray for your comfort as you navigate through this painful time. Blessings!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That foot does look painful just from the photo, Ginny, and I can understand you're not wanting to undergo surgery and then the recuperation. Hope that the pain clinic can provide an alternative.

Shug said...

I am very thankful that the pneumonia has cleared. That in itself is enough to make you feel bad for sometimes weeks, even after it is gone. So sorry about your foot Ginny. Sure hoping you do not have to have the surgery. That is a long time to not be on your feet, plus it is almost Holiday time, which makes it more difficult. Hoping you can get some answers for healing and relief.

DawnTreader said...

So sorry to hear about your foot, Ginny! Sounds like a good idea to also get advice from the pain clinic before making a decision.

Linda said...

God bless your ankles! I'm so sorry! I take Celebrex for Arthritis and would not be able to walk without it. Growing old is hard work!!!
You never complain! We want to know what's going on with y'all! Love and prayers....

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry! You were already going through enough. I’m just getting started with arthritis and it’s horrible stuff.

Rose said...

Oh, Ginny no you are not complaining...I am so sorry you are suffering with this.


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