Monday, September 23, 2024

The Nosy Neighbor

 Do you know what plant this is?

It is on this bush that our next-door neighbor is growing. They have a tiny pumpkin patch beside their back door!

They put this one on their back stoop. By now you might have guessed that I am the nosy neighbor!

They have this cute scene in the front yard.

And this is their fall flag.

By now, some nosy critters had gathered to watch ME!

Speaking of flags, here are the two fall flags that I ordered. Oh MY, they are much brighter than I had thought! Hopefully the sun will fade them a bit.

Good neighbors always spy on you to make sure you are doing well.

Pawan Mishra

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The Nosy Neighbor

 Do you know what plant this is? It is on this bush that our next-door neighbor is growing. They have a tiny pumpkin patch beside their back...