Sunday, March 28, 2010


Phil and I haven't been to a play in about 25years, but today we went to one at a local high school. A student who is a friend of ours had designed the sets. The play was "Little Shop Of Horrors". This was a movie and a play way back when. It's a campy, funny, science fiction romance. You get your money's worth with some of everything. For those of you not familiar with the story, it's set in a florist's shop where a plant has to have blood and human bodies in order to thrive and grow. And grow it does. This particular play is not one I would have chosen to go to, but I would have been wrong. It was delightful and wonderful, the best play I've seen. The songs were great, I'm still wondering how the students memorized all the lyrics plus lines. I can't even remember to take food out of the oven or take the laundry out of the machine. Ah, youth! I did not see one mistake, and they were truly in character and amazing. The last picture is of our friend, Melinda, who designed and painted the sets. There was a standing ovation given at the end, and well deserved. I think God likes it when we clap our hands for Him, and fold them in prayer. He deserves not only a standing ovation, but our lives dedicated to him in thanks.

"Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity." Psalm 98:8,9


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how neat.... Glad you all went to that play. I'm sure the kids appreciated your attendance. I was always involved in theater --especially musicals, but my kids did their share of shows like you saw today. We were a big drama-comedy-loving family.

Have you ever been to an old-fashioned melodrama?? They are so much fun.... You get to boo and hiss!!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

great photos Ginny. the only play i have attended was 30 years ago, Fiddler on he roof. My friend had 3 teens in it and it was a joy. I know this was fun.

Stephanie V said...

I haven't seen that play but I've heard a lot about it. I'll think of you and musicals at our singing group this morning!

Beverly said...

I saw that play a few years ago at our local theater. Fun.

Melinda did a great job of designing the set. Is she going to major in theater?

Did you see the link I posted for you about Ringling?

George said...

For some reason Blogger isn't uploading any pictures, so I'll have to come back to see them. But it sounds as if the students did a wonderful job on this play. I saw the movie many years ago.

George said...

I'm glad I came back to see the pictures. It looks like it was a wonderful production.

DawnTreader said...

Looks like fun! I've seen the old movie. And I like the theatre - not been in a while now, but back in the 90's I went quite frequently to our town theatre.

SquirrelQueen said...

That looks like it was fun, I haven't seen it as a play but I have seen two different movie versions. The set decorations are great. Someone did an excellent job on Audrey II.


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