Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Living In The Past

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything -the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15,17

Do you ever wish you could stop time, or turn it back? Well, here are a people who have actually done that. I took these pictures in Harrisonburg, a city about a half hour drive away. They are things we see on a typical trip there. Harrisonburg is home to a large population of Amish. The plain building in the first picture is an Amish church. The next picture is the church parking lot, full of hitching posts for the horses. They are an amazing people, full of fortitude and unending forgiveness. When Amish children were shot and killed in school a few years back, the Amish parents actually went to the shooter's family, held and comforted them, and went to the shooter's funeral. Do you think living in the past is a good way to witness? Jesus went to parties and hung out with tax collectors. He traveled and mingled. We are supposed to be a light in this world, but can we do that if we are cloistered and separated? They certainly did that with the example of the school shootings. They live this way to be a people set apart. Are there other ways we can be set apart, yet continue to do the work of God? Does it need to be all or nothing at all? I think we can be a powerful force for God, and still continue to live in the present.

"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it's own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world." John 15:19


SquirrelQueen said...

The Amish are a remarkable people. Great photos Ginny and I really like you new header.
PS, did you see the reply Suzie left for you?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I admire the Amish SO much, Ginny, and think we could all learn from them. They work hard and never expect a handout of any kind from anyone.

I remember that horrible school shooting and even wrote a blog about it (on my last blog site--which is now gone)...

Tell us MORE.
The header is GREAT.

DawnTreader said...

I've only seen the Amish in movies and documentaries. "Witness" is one of my favourite movies and I suppose it shows a lot of the "clash" between the Amish vs the modern way of living. I couldn't live their life but if it works for them... I do think there are different ways to be "set apart" though and it can't really be judged from the outside.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just had a first, i typed a really long comment and when i clicked publish it gave me error, dod not go to this site,it is not reccomended. i went anyway and came back with my comment gone. now i can't remembe what i said. love the post, love the WM sign with the buggy crossing sign, REALLY love the header. I have often wondered if it is a good thing to be like the Amish and I know it would not work for me. my answer is I don't know if they should or should not be that separated.

Beverly said...

I didn't think the Amish had church buildings.

They are truly remarkable people. There was a movie, Amish Grace, on Lifetime Movie Channel Sunday night. It was about the school shooting. Whoever made it did a wonderful job of portraying these simple people.

Stephanie V said...

It's a difficult choice that the Amish make for themselves and their families. As you pointed out in your last blog, it's not always easy (or best) for children to be closed off from the world.

Some of the 'old-fashioned' values that the Amish live are important for everyone. But, I think that we can remain in the world and still witness to those values.

From the Kitchen said...

Hello Ginny:

I've been "lurking" about blogs with wonderful photographs. I love them and am getting better myself. I'm originally from Roanoke and one of my sisters now lives in Stuarts Draft. My other sister and I meet up with her every October to enjoy the area--the Cheese Shop, Dayton Farmers' Market, Charlottesville and, of course, Roanoke.

I'll be back to look at more of your photographs.


From the Kitchen said...

Hi Ginny: Thank you for your compliments on my blog. I've only been a serious blogger for less than a year. When I say serious, I mean that I realized there are a lot of wonderful and interesting people in the blog world. I'm not sure how I found your blog but I've checked it out and will certainly look for the Stuarts Draft entry right away.

The little girls are not related to me. I met them on Carepages a little over a year ago through a family friend who had an ill child. Their stories touched my heart and we are "friends" on facebook. I offered to get their stories out on my blog to increase their prayer community. Please do add them to your prayer chain. That would be wonderful.

No, we don't live in Virginia but in a Chicago suburb. I love Chicago. I miss Virginia. Have you always lived in Waynesboro? My sister did live there but they moved to Stuarts Draft a few years ago. They love the area.

I'm looking forward to "seeing" you again and hope you will "visit" me.


From the Kitchen said...

P.S. The long-standing joke around Roanoke was that Melrose Baptist Church was never the same after the mink incident!!

The Taubman Museum was not quite finished when we were last in Roanoke but I'm looking forward to a visit in October. Love the city market and we always have lunch at the Roanoke Weiner Stand. When we were little, mother never let us go on the market because it really wasn't a good place to be. I have been so impressed with the renaissance it went through years back.

I have old postcards of Roanoke and will blog about them and my memories of certain places from time to time.


From the Kitchen said...

Found the post of the "Draft". It's amazing how much is there yet it seems to rural and open and peaceful. No, I don't know the people you mentioned. Chicago is a friendly city but really BIG.

Loved the snow pictures. Your area had more snow than we did--unusual. I think it was mostly due to my sister who has been praying for a good snow for years. She just didn't know when to stop praying!


George said...

I have a great deal of respect for the Amish. There is a small Amish community not far from us here on the Plateau.

Glenda said...

I love your pictures, Ginny, especially the church photos. I have always been fascinated with the lifestyle of the Amish and enjoy reading stories about them.


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...