Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome To The Fairy Princess Tea Party!

If you can see with a child's eye, there is a world full of color, joy, and wonder to be seen. The fairy realm reminds us to keep this joy and creativity alive. Ever flower, leaf, and blade of grass has a story to tell. Streams sing and the winds whisper ancient secrets into the ears of those who will listen - Unknown

Today our granddaughter turned four years old. Yesterday's post was about our private celebration for her with a mermaid theme. Today was her fairy princess tea party with all her little friends. Isn't the fairy princess house birthday cake cute? My daughter-in-law made most of it. There was lots of dancing and twirling, yummy food, and hugs. The last picture is a happy mommy and daddy (our son and daughter-in-law). Fairies are a race of small magical beings endowed with powers of magic and enchantment. They are invisible to most of us, but some have the gift to see, and some say that animals can also see them. Belief in fairies has existed from the earliest times. There are butterfly fairies, cloud fairies, Dryads (tree spirits), and flower fairies. Do they ever have parties and do they eat? Woodland fairies eat the nectar of flowers and drink the early morning dew.

"I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily." Hosea 14:4,5


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how precious, Ginny..... First a mermaid party and then a Fairy Princess Party.... What a great time she must have had... Her Mom and Dad look VERY happy... Your DIL is quite talented when it comes to making cakes!!!!!

Happy Birthday to your angel...

Have a wonderful Sunday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we all know the fairy princess is a doll, and she is certainly a beautiful fairy princess and the king and queen are beautiful to. love the post Ginny. what a great idea for a birthday party. I always wanted to be a princess when i was small, just like this one.

happily retired gal said...

What wonderful photos of this delightful birthday celebration. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Our Journey said...

Ok -- I can't take full credit .. I just made the decorations for the mushroom -- but heather made the mushroom....and she did a GREAT job. I'm so glad you guys could come & visit for a bit during the really did end up cute & the girls had a blast!

George said...

It looks as if the Fairy Princess Tea Party was a huge success and enjoyed by all -- including the Fairy Grandmother who took these delightful pictures.

Glenda said...

Oh, what adorable photos of a cute little princess and her friends! The decorations, the cake, everything is so cute - fit for a princess!

DawnTreader said...

Wow, that cake is a piece of art!

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are the cutest photos ever, Anne Marie is the perfect Fairy Princess.

I've wondered what early man thought about butterflies, could they be the origin of fairies?


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