Monday, March 8, 2010

Life And Death

Today's post is about life and death. This has been a sorrowful weekend for us, as the 17 year old son of our friends died in an accident Friday night. There are no words for a tragedy such as this. His memorial service is today. It will be a celebration of a life cut short, but of course God knew all along what the span of his days would be, and this was His plan for Seth Hodge, a spark gone from all of us now. As upset as everyone has been, my friends still made time to think of my birthday, which is today. I am so blessed to have wonderful, caring friends. I am 61 years old now, and don't mind telling my age, do you? My friend Beverly gave me a wonderful evening out with a delicious dinner. Lots of quiet conversation and good food. It was an oasis of friendship and catching up that was a lovely temporary distraction and made me remember that life does go on. As soon as I returned home, our good friends Andy and Joan came over with a little cake with a lit candle and sang to me. Thank you to all of my wonderful friends!

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." John 10:27


SquirrelQueen said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son, that is so very young.

Happy Birthday!
I'm glad you had a nice celebration. That's the best way with close friends and family.

Glenda said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Ginny! Sounds like you have some wonderful friends! It's true: "We really do need each other," as author Reuben Welch said.

I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic death of your young friend. I, too, lost a friend yesterday; one of my former students (in her forties) took her life yesterday. My heart is so sad, and I'm wishing I had communicated with her more. Her 20-year-old son ended his own life less than a year ago. I'm so glad that I know The Comforter at times like this.

Glenda said...

I really like your new header; it's so cheery!!

Stephanie V said...

Happy Birthday! Nice to have folks who remember and help you celebrate.

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's son. We'll keep them in our prayers.
I'm sorry I'm a little late -- but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday yesterday, Ginny.... We had a great time celebrating George's today!!!!!

Sorry about the death of your friend's son... 17 is young to die--and hard to take or understand.

Sounds like your family and friends helped you have a wonderful day yesterday... God Bless our FRIENDS.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know why i am so late with writing on your blog, i am back in action now and catching up on all the blogs. Happy Belated Birthday and I always tell my age. it is so very sad to lose a young man at that age.

happily retired gal said...

Ohmygosh ... how sad! I'll add your friend to my prayer list. A good friend of mine lost her 31 year old son in a traffic accident last summer and it's so hard for the family even now.

Happy belated birthday!!! I saw the 'bluebird of happiness' your friend gave you and started to comment on that post, but decided to go back and catch up in order. Thanks so much for including your entire post in your 'feeds' so I can do that more easily.

Hugs and blessings,


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