Wednesday, March 31, 2010

See What I Came A-Cross?

Shopping in the bakery section of the grocery store today, I spotted these. I wonder how many of you know what they are? Hot Cross Buns! Hot Cross Buns are mostly seen and eaten at Easter time. The cross on them is a symbol of the crucifiction. Have you ever eaten one? There is much folklore about them. It is said if you give a piece to an ill person, it will help them recover. Sharing one with someone else is supposed to ensure your friendship for the coming year. While the two friends eat it, they say "Half for you and half for me, between us two goodwill shall be." They are said to protect against shipwreck on a sea voyage, and if hung in the kitchen, will protect against fire and help all the bread turn out perfectly. This is Maundy Thursday, the day to commemorate Christ's last supper and what took place there. The word Maundy comes from the Latin "mandatum", meaning command. This comes from John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you." One of the things done at the last supper was washing of feet, so some churches will do this at this time. It is to symbolize humility and servanthood. Being Mennonite, not one of the so called "high churches", our church does not have a Maundy Thursday service. But most Mennonites DO have foot washing regularly. Our church does this at least once a year during a communion service. The men and women go into different rooms for this, and it is optional. On my next post, I'll show you a fun, colorful and surprising symbol of Good Friday.

"It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave tis world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love." John 13:1


George said...

I knew what they were as soon as I saw the picture. Hot Cross Buns were very common in the Midwest where I grew up.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I've heard of Hot Cross Buns ---but don't know if I have ever eaten one. Interesting info about them...

Yes, it is Maundy Thursday... Our church had a gorgeous service where we totally undecorate the sanctuary... Sometimes there is a depiction of the Last Supper (done as a drama) which is very moving.

On Good Friday --we have a Tenebrae Service --which is the opposite of a Candlelight Service at Christmas. In the Tenebrae Service, we start with lots of candles and end in darkness. It is also very effective.

I love Holy Week and all of the different services.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have read of and heard of Hot Cross Buns my whole life, but never knew the cross was a symbol. i don't think I have ever seen them either. great story especailly for this week. now i will have to look for them and see if they appear. you made me hungry.

pam said...

I have never had Hot Cross Buns...I should try making them sometime. Oh how I LOVE a good foot washing has been so long since I took part in one. hmmmmm, sweet memories.

RYC: My favorite yard art. I went to a Prayer Leaders Conference in Colorado Springs YEARS ago and found her in a gift shop next to the Broadmoor Hotel. I knew I had to have her at first sight. This is how I have always pictured myself with God....well that and flat on my face. :o)

SquirrelQueen said...

I recognized them in your photo Ginny but didn't know that much about their history. I thought they were some sort of English tradition. I have only had them once and that was a long time ago.

DawnTreader said...

The name came to mind when I saw your picture although I think I've only read the word, not seen one before, and didn't know all the tradition connected with them.

Also didn't know the origin of why it's called "Maundy" Thursday in English, so thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

Ginny, we have a Maundy Thursday service with communion and footwashing. You could promote this event in your Mennonite church also ....


 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...