Monday, March 22, 2010

Hot Diggety Dog!

Do you like hot dogs? Then welcome to the newly opened Boardwalk Cafe. I snapped these pics when we passed it this weekend, then saw it in the local paper. Our little three year old friend Ella saw it in the paper, too. You can see her here really laughing after looking at it. Well, the artist did say that he wanted this hot dog to appeal to kids. After seeing the hot dog man, I asked Ella if she liked hot dogs, and here's what she said "Sometimes we eat hot dogs, but they don't have eyes." Local quirky artist Mark Cline was commisioned to make this funny hot dog to draw attention to the new eatery. Mark has really made a name for himself with his wild sculptures. He's making a 30 foot octopus for a New Jersey park, and a whole Zombietown in Virginia Beach. It took him two weeks to make this dog out of styrofoam and fiberglass. They are having a contest to name it. Any ideas? Mr. Cline says that he makes these things because they will live on after him, and are "a form of immortality." I suppose that's why vampire shows and books are now more popular than ever, because they are immortal, never dying...But I have news for Mr. Cline and all the vampires out there. This whole world and everything in it will not be around forever and will all come to an end at some point. But there's still a way to be immortal., though not by what we make, but by what we do.

"In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality." Pro. 12:28
"To those who by persistance in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger." Romans 2:7,8


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, How cute!!! I love hot dogs ---and have to have one every once in awhile to satisfy my cravings!!!!! I like my 'dogs' with the works (mustard, mayo, catsup, relish, chili, cheese ---and sometimes SLAW)... ha ha

Mark Kline is making a name for himself, isn't he??? That is neat!!!!

Name possibilities: Oscar (for Oscar Meyer); or Diggety!!!! Or Dognochio (for the long nose.... How's that????? ha ha

Have a great Tuesday.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a fun shop! I don't eat hot dogs normally but I think I would make an exception if I was eating here...when in Rome you know.

Stephanie V said...

How could you not want to eat a hot dog - with lots of good mustard. What a fun sign. Some little one thinks it's hilarious, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

adorable hotdog and that is not how I usually describe hot dogs. of course Ella is beyond adorable and the hotdog can't compare. what a neat idea. i love hotdogs and I would eat there for sure.

Together We Save said...

Very cute!! I love hotdogs... I want to visit this place!!

Glenda said...

What a fun post! Makes me hungry for a really good hot dog!

Love your line that reminds us that immortality comes to us as a result the right choices and what we do in this life.

Glenda said...

should read: "result OF the right choices . . ."

George said...

I'm guessing that the hot dog has been very successful in attracting attention to the new cafe. It certainly attracted Ella's attention.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a cute sign, it would certainly draw attention to the business. I would have to check it out. Ella got a great laugh out it so it works for getting kids attention too.

I rarely eat hot dogs but when I do I like them with sauerkraut and mustard, yum.

DawnTreader said...

These pictures had me laughing out loud too. Sometimes things like this are just "tasteless" but this one I find really funny...

I buy a simple hot dog in a bun occasionally if I happen to be in town getting hungry and realizing it will be some time yet before I get a "proper" meal...

happily retired gal said...

What FUN photos ;-)
I'm not much for hot dogs myself, but I do love the sign and the adorable photo of Ella!
Hugs and blessings,


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