Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Nice Little Chat

Please allow me to introduce myself! I am an English Sparrow. Didn't I pose prettily for Ginny today? Which do you think is my best side, right or left? But these pictures were not free. In return for my posing, Ginny let me take charge of today's blog post. I am very excited, because I have so much to chatter about. Ginny is actually going to post other birds on this blog, so I want to warn you about them. Don't let her fool you into thinking that they are better or smarter than I! There are many house finches around now. And though they may be more colorful than I, they do put on airs! They prefer to hang out with the humans, and even build their nests right beside houses. This never comes to any good. Before the spring is over, the human's large cats usually kill their babies. I do not need to put on airs, as my lineage is indisputable! My family is from England, and came to this country in 1851, where we settled in New York. My royal past speaks for itself. The crows around here have started building nests now, and Ginny will try to convince you how smart they are. Don't listen to a word of it! They will collect any shiny or glittery trinket they can for their nest. How stupid, because shiny things are hard and cold, and make horrible nesting material. And don't even get me started on those doves, why they are just scandalus! Did you know... but wait, Ginny says that I have to stop now, as she wants to add some silly thing or other. Please remember when you see any of us that we are the friendliest of any bird, and will even pose for you if the price is right. It's just that we can't keep a secret...

"Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to." 1Timothy 5:13


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well Mr English Sparrow---you are a pretty one!!!! Don't you know that they wrote a hymn about you????? It's one of my Mama's favorites hymns--"His Eye is on the Sparrow".... Remember that one?????

I'm sure that your Mama Ginny loves you best. She may feature some other birdies on her blog---but she'll always give you the most food and water!!!!!

Thanks for such great poses... I cannot pick a favorite one--since you look good from all sides, Mr. Sparrow. Keep up the good work---and remember to wear your green hat tomorrow to celebrate St. Patty's Day!!!!


DawnTreader said...

Pretty bird, and nice gossipy chat...

Stephanie V said...

Fun post...your sparrow is very chatty. They are such bouncy little birds.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one talking sparrow, the first i have met, she sure can Chat, just like her mommy. it really looks like she was posing and she sure is pretty. i bet she has a few relatives living with Betsy, don't you?

George said...

Your guest blogger did a wonderful job, although I think he might be somewhat of a snob with his attitude toward the finches.

SquirrelQueen said...

A very pretty sparrow but a bit on the talkative side, I guess sparrows are like that. It's very interesting to hear the birdie's point of view, cute post.

Great photos Ginny, my little birdies are being very hard to photograph lately. Of course having a cat at my feet probably doesn't help.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Glenda said...

I love your pics! You really got some good shots of the little sparrow . . . and you're a good storyteller, too!


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