Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's The Real Thing

The slogan for Coke used to be "It's The Real Thing", and so are these pictures. Real cute, that is. This is our granddaughter, Anne Marie, the first two times she tried Coke. Her parents are very concious of nutrition, so she never gets sodas. Except when grandparents or great aunts come around with treats in their purses and glasses of fizz. Oh, how those bubbles tickle ones taste buds! The first two pictures are the first taste when she was just a baby, the second two pictures are many months later. I happened to be there both times. In fact, I was the culprit feeding it to her in the last two pictures. One fun thing about having a grandchild is that I can get her all hyped up on tasty sugar, then send her home! O.K, I'm only partly kidding!

"What goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean." Matthew 15:11


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, That is a rule, isn't it???? We grandmothers get to do whatever we want to do....We spoil them rotten and then send them home!!!!! That's the LAW.... ha ha ha

Your granddaughter is gorgeous!!!

We're enjoying George's birthday trip.... It's been great. We're going home tomorrow ---so I will have lots of pictures to post...


Glenda said...

Love these pics that really captures the moment! Your granddaughter is precious!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I remember those commercials. They used to sing it on a grassy hill. Your granddaughter is so so cute!! Perfect pictures.

DawnTreader said...

Sweets for the sweet... :)

Stephanie V said...

It's the bubbles LOL I can't drink the real Thing - it sends bubbles up my nose and hurts my throat. Your grand-daughter is such a cutie - and I think it just made her laugh.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is truly a little darling! great pictures for her to see when she grows up and will bring her fond memories. that's what grandma's are for!

SquirrelQueen said...

She is a doll Ginny, you captured some great moments. Those bubble tickle and the sugar is tasty, I love her reactions. Isn't this a grandmother's job, spoiling the little ones?

The hot air balloons are part of our annual Balloon Stampede in May. They launch from the fair grounds and fly directly over our house to open fields to land. The one behind the shrubs was flying about ten feet off the ground. Sometimes when they fly over they are close enough to talk too.

happily retired gal said...

Ohmygosh ... she's adorable (and photogenic) ... these are wonderful pictures! I loved your duck series too and am glad he (she) lived to waddle another day. I confess I've never SEEN a 'duck crossing' sign before.
Hugs and blessings,


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