Monday, October 31, 2011

Visit From A Fairy

"Spread your wings and let the fairy in you fly!"  Unknown

Our granddaughter Anne Marie came over this evening, here are a few pictures from the visit. Here she is with Phil, who is wearing his Groucho face. She had put on a cat mask that I put in her treat bag. Her mom made the costume, she is a woodland fairy!!

"I will make a covenant of peace with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods. I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. And I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing."
Ezekiel 34


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

a little African violet fairy!!!

LOL, I should have written seniors of a primary school. the juniors are very jealous.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh How Adorable...

♥ Helen said...

She is a beautiful fairy :)

Reanaclaire said...

Very nice and cute grandchild of yours!

SquirrelQueen said...

My goodness, what a beautifol little woodland fairy. I love that photo of her and Phil with their masks.

Tanna said...

That is the cutest fairy I have ever seen!! blessings ~ tanna

From the Kitchen said...

Anne Marie is precious! I didn't even realize that Phil was wearing a mask = ) !!

I'm going to e-mail you later re my trip.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

and a beautiful fairy she is. like a fairy princess in fact. your DIL is so creative. i like what ann said, a little African violet and that is what she looks like. so happy she got to come by and visit.

George said...

Anne Marie's costume is beautiful, but so is she.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a beautiful little fairy!! Just adorable!

Arti said...

The most beautiful fairy that I have ever seen... Phil looks great too!!!
Kisses to the little fairy.
Have a fabulous week ahead Ginny:)

RoeH said...

So cute!! I'd never ever have thought of that. So much cuter than all these bloody ghoulish costumes.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So cute! love these pics

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, She is adorable! Groucho looks like he had a lot of fun and is the loving Grandfather. Have an especially nice November, starting today!

Stephanie V said...

She is a doll! That costume is wonderful!

Joanne said...

I love your Bible verse. Your Lady bug made a Beautiful Fairy!
Blessings, Joanne

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She makes such a beautiful fairy! Great pics!

Ann said...

that costume is adorable and Anne Marie is the prettiest little fairy I've ever seen

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh....the costume is beautiful!!! Such a talented lady to make it by hand., so impressive. And such a cute cute fairy too, I might add.

Glad you stopped by today, I was thinking of how you were doing. Around here, busy putting Halloween stuff away for another year, and taking a break. Thought I'd stop by.

FilipBlog said...

It is a real fairy :-)


S. Etole said...

What a delightful little fairy that flew into your lives.

Fred Alton said...


Mary Bergfeld said...

Your fairy is pretty enough to be a princess. She looks so happy. Halloween is such a treat for the kids. Phil looks like he really gets into the spirit of things :-). I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. Blessings...Mary

Regina said...

Simply adorable and so colorful! You must have tons of photos and also must be hard to choose!
Sorry, I haven't been feeling so great.. as a result I haven't been doing much visiting. Hope all is well-

Nature Rambles said...

Really...the most precious...beautiful woodland fairy!!

Bobbie said...

What a beautiful and sweet fairy!! Honestly, Ginny... just when I think she can't get any cuter... she does!! What a doll...
I always love your moon pictures.. your header is great, as always.
Hope you had an enjoyable Halloween evening with your granddaughter.

Rose said...

She is adorable!

DawnTreader said...

Cutest little fairy I ever saw! The photo of her and Phil is great too.

Annie Jeffries said...

A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. !!! Definitely a prize winner.

Chatty Crone said...

And such a pretty little good fairy she is too.


Marie said...

Anne Marie is so adorable and pretty in that costume! She's adorable anyway. :)
That is one of the best costumes I've ever seen. Happy November!

Melanie said...

She is just cute as can be!! Love the little cat mask too. :)

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