Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Barnyard Moosical, It's A Doozical!!

We had a fun evening on Friday watching Anne Marie doing her art class performance. The theme this year was a Barnyard Moosical! It was udderly cute, and the performances were very mooooving! All the kids drew barnyard animals and displayed them on the stage curtains. Here are Anne's cow and pig.
                                                      Here are the pigs.
                                                              The goats.
                                                          And the cows.
                             And of course there is always a little one who is afraid.
                                        So here is Anne Marie's performance.
                                        My two favorite men, son and husband.
                    And Anne Marie and ME after the performance getting ice-cream.

“My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens. The forest of your pride will be clear-cut, the city showing off your power leveled. But you will enjoy a blessed life, planting well-watered fields and gardens, with your farm animals grazing freely.”
Isaiah 32


Shug said...

This is so cute....Adorable characters! I'm guessing that there were a whole lot of eyes watching this program. Love the different expressions on the kids faces...

Unknown said...

That's just so cute!! Love name too Moosical :) And cute characters

From the Kitchen said...

I love the cow's eyelashes on Anne Marie's drawing! Actually, I love everything about your post. So adorable at that age. And you look much better after your conflict with the sidewalk!!


Anonymous said...

how my gosh how precious, gosh i miss those days when the children did these concerts, what a great event!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She is such a great artist!

S. Etole said...

What a fun program that must have been. Your banner made me laugh.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

What a fun post and great photos. I love Anne Marie's art!

Dee said...

How adorable are all the children. It is so much fun to have grands. I am glad you shared this....even if it makes me miss my little grands.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Lovely to see all the kids performing and wonderful to see your face is so much better now. Margaret

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, Anne and her group are just the cutest cows ever. This must have been a fun concert to watch Ginny. I'll bet everyone had fun afterwards at the ice cream shop too.

Chatty Crone said...

You live the most colorful life I have ever seen - I love being in it! Your grand daughter is beautiful!! So much fun!


Karin said...

Those are going to be such treasured memories! Beautifully done! Glad to see you're looking better!

Tamago said...

Moosical! What a fun and oh they are so cute! Anne Marie is an excellent artist. These drawings are fantastic! And she became such a cute cow :-)
It must have been such a fun day, especially with ice cream after the event :-)

Ann said...

that looks like it was so cute. Love all the little performers and of course Anne Marie is adorable. That poor little one does look like he's a bit scared

Linda said...

Just beautiful! Made me smile through every picture!!!

Ruth Kelly said...

I bet it was a very cute program. Thanks for sharing.

Connie said...

Hi Ginny, what a lovely post. The children are delightful and your little Anne Marie is adorable. I taught preschool at a Christian day care for ten years and I love, love, love school and Sunday school programs. Nothing is as much fun as watching children perform and make joyful noise :)

In regard to the comment you left on my blog:
The frame that is a chalk board, was a mirror that I bought for $3 at a yard sale. I took the frame out, cut a piece of smooth plywood the same size as the mirror and gave it about five coats of chalkboard paint. Then I just put it into the frame where the mirror had been. Oh, it was gold before I painted it white. I love taking cheap yard sale finds and decorating my home with them . . . it works great on our budget too, LOL. Have a great week and thanks so much for stopping by.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

crafty cat corner said...

I used to love going to my childrens concerts when they were younger. This one looked fun.

Hootin Anni said...

You said it all...."Udderly cute"!!

And that last photo, sooooooooooo precious.

Laura said...

hi, just found your blog, what a gorgeous post! I truly wondered about the funny balloons at the beginning!!! lol!!! so cute!

Alice said...

What a fun evening. Love the udders!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

five up from the bottom is an awesome photo of Ann.. she is so beautiful and they all look so cute and happy except of course the sad face adorable little boy... she looks so pretty in her new glasses and she is truly talented with her art. i love the lashes on he cow art.

Fred Alton said...

Reading this post and seeing the pictures of the children playing their parts in the "Moosical" gave me a much-needed spirit lift this morning. Are you o.k. physically? I'm doing o.k. here - but find that I tire too quickly. Been too tired to blog much, especially after being out at the cabin all day yesterday. Blessings to you and Phil and your family.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These pics are so cute! characters are neat

Filip and Kristel said...

Very cute and must be an experience such a performance. Ginny, you look already a lot better since your fall.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Your Granddaughter is quite artistic! So glad you encourage her. Have a wonderful Thurs. tomorrow!

Marie said...

She made an adorable cow! I remember watching my son on stage when he was younger. Time goes by so quickly!
Her artwork is beautiful! She is quite talented!
Love the pic of Grandma and Granddaughter. :)

Unknown said...

She is just precious! What a fun evening and creative presentation. I love seeing kids sing and develop their talents!

Rose said...

Haha....so very, very cute!


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