Thursday, June 13, 2013

Seeing Is Believing

A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. ~Fred Allen

Well, here is the second and last part of my post about glasses. How many of you guessed that our Anne Marie has just gotten glasses? She came over to show us just hours after she got them. Not only did she fail the letter chart at the eye doctor, she even failed the picture chart! Her mommy let her choose any frames that she wanted, because if she liked them,  then she would WEAR them. So Anne is showing you the pink plaid glasses she chose, I think they are very tasteful, considering she could have gotten ANYTHING! She was very concerned about going to school the first day with the glasses, but it all worked out fine, and very soon, another girl in her class came in with glasses, too. Anne is continuing to be amazed with the things she SEES now, and is sending you a great big smile! My header is Anne with her daddy, our son Mike.

“Jesus said, “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.”
John 20


LC said...

She chose well.

I failed my eye chart test, too, and I was thrilled with glasses, seeing so much of what I had been missing for the first 11 years of my life.

The selection of frames available now is wonderful, and Anne Marie still looks her so-cute self, now with one more stylish "accessory."

Filip and Kristel said...

In this article as also the previous one it is clear again how high the impact of glasses is on your appearance.


Ruth Hiebert said...

She looks very grown-up with glasses.

From the Kitchen said...

I think Anne Marie looks very smart in those glasses! In fact, I want to ask her questions, really hard questions.
And, I love the frames--very chic!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful glasses and so is she. they fit her face perfect and she looks adorable. and i know that feeling. when i got my first pair of tri focals the world was all new.. so glad they found she needed them early. my poor son went to 7th grade before we found he could see nothing except what was in his hands

Linda said...

Hey, Jinny! Your grand looks GRAND in those glasses!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am just blessed with Goodwill finds. Always have been. I have never wanted NEW 'new' stuff - would rather have a bargain and the thrill of the hunt!

Dee said...

She looks adorable in them and I think she chose well....I did guess. :)

Karin said...

She's got a sense of style and picked out a great pair! Fantastic to be able to see now!

Tamago said...

Anne Marie looks very cute with her glasses! She picked really nice frame - looks so good on her :-)
I'm happy for her that she can see much better. I know how it feels...Everything is blur without glasses or contact lenses for my eyes.

Reanaclaire said...

So Anne is wearing glasses now... young for her age but it is better to wear now than to strain her eyes further.. I wore mine at the age of 16 and ever since then, I try to maintain my eye power till this age today.. :)

Ann said...

She picked out a great frames. They look fabulous on her.

Unknown said...

Your little Anne is precious and looks like she should be a glasses fashion model! My daughter always wanted glasses, she even tried to fail the test as school once so she could get glasses.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Beautiful granddaughter with her new glasses! I wore glasses full-time for forty years before my cataract surgery. Have a super good day tomorrow!

LV said...

I was blessed this month when I got my driver's licenses renewed until 2019. I was afraid I would not pass the eye test. She will do fine with them. Sometimes children can be cruel, but I trust that does not happen to her. The eyes are so most important to me. How are you doing?

Linda said...

Great choice! She looks wonderful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

She is adorable... So glad she likes her glasses.. She looks good in them!!! I know she is excited to be able to see better...


crafty cat corner said...

I had a son like that, we didn't know that he couldn't see until he went to school and had trouble with the blackboard.
Anne Marie looks very pretty in her glasses.

Alice said...

She must be so excited to see better. She looks very cute, too:)

Mary Bergfeld said...

She looks quite fetching :-)That brilliant smile still dazzles. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Ruth Kelly said...

I really hated glasses when I was a child but the choices that they have nowadays are really cute. She's adorable.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She looks adorable in her glasses. They are very tasteful and suit her face well.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love those glasses on Anne Marie, they make her look more grown up and even more beautiful. Makes me wish I wore glasses.

Ginny, you asked about the cat's eyes photos. They were taken with the camera on macro setting. It was pure luck that I got the shots, these guys move fast. I have lots of blurry photos.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI She looks very pretty. Have a great weekend. Margaret

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie!

George said...

Anne Marie looks very becoming in her new glasses. I really like the frames she picked out.

Marie said...

She is adorable! She's as pretty as ever in those glasses. :) She must feel great!

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE her smile, and love her choice of glasses style!! She did a super job and the smile,'s contagious Ginny.

Your son is very handsome and I can see very proud of Anne Marie.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I remember being so excited when I got my first pair of glasses. I had needed them for so so long!! Have a great weekend!

Shug said...

she is adorable and looks so sweet with her new glasses. My Sam started wearing glasses at an early age. He has since had surgery and now he can see much better than me! Y'all enjoy a wonderful day.

DawnTreader said...

She looks very smart in them! - in both senses of the word :)

momto8 said...

perfect choice!

Donna said...

Oh Lordy, she's adorable!

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, Anne Marie looks darling in her new glasses!! I can imagine that the kids in school will be in awe... because glasses are 'in' these days and these glasses are pretty cool looking!

Melanie said...

Anne Marie looks so good in her glasses. :-) I'm glad she's doing well with them. I've had them since first grade.
Hope you're feeling better!


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