Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Fell

Well, today I fell, face down on the hard concrete. The crowd called 911. My lip was cut all the way through to the inside, my front teeth were pushed up into my head and were in pieces, my whole body bruised, swollen and hurting. See how swollen my lip is, that is 5 stitches you are looking at. I am so blessed that I did not break anything or crack my head!!! Anyway, they are sending me to an oral surgeon on Monday, so I will not be able to visit or comment. I am hoping to continue with part two of my last post very soon! In true blogger fashion, as soon as we got home, I checked to make sure my camera was not broken, then had Phil take this picture. Now I am taking more pain pills and off to bed, see you later, my dears!!!

“If God hadn’t been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,” your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up.”
Psalm 94


DawnTreader said...

Oh no, you poor thing!!! Good that you were quickly taken care of though. Hope you can get some rest today and I keep my fingers crossed for your appointment with the oral surgeon. Hope you find something you can eat/drink - my own recent teeth trouble was nothing compared to this but I can imagine... Lots of love to you!

Arti said...

Looks bad. Take good care Ginny. But its good at least you did not have any major injuries, so God was with you. Love and Hugs.

Ann said...

Oh no. Thank goodness for cell phones that people can immediately call 911. That looks really painful. You are a true blogger though thinking to check the camera and get the picture for the post.

Alice said...

Ouch! Get well Ginny, I pray your visit with the surgeon goes well. Yay for pain pills!

From the Kitchen said...

Praying for you dear Ginny!


Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness!! I am so glad nothing was broken! I hope all goes well with the oral surgeon and you are back on the field in no time at all. Just be careful!! Praying for a quick healing!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMG i can't believe all this. chicken little is running in circles down here.. your poor mouth looks awful and i am betting it is even more swollen this morning... so glad the camera did not break and also your glasses look like they are safe... and yikes on the oral surgeon... praying for you now. was Phil with you?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Painful looking injury. I pray that it will heal quickly and that the surgeon will be able to do what is needed to help you.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Wow! Well that is a mouth and it does look very painful. Today in church they said this 'everyone is life at one time or the other experiences pain, however it is how one handles it, that we become stronger'. Lean on God's provision at this time and He will see you through. praying for you today. Margaret

Melanie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Ginny!! I'll be praying for you, and that all will go well with the oral surgeon. Take care...warm hugs.♥

Unknown said...

OMG that looks really sore, so sorry to hear this, hope you will heal fast. Take very good care, big hugs x

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so........ sorry to hear (and see) this! Will pray for you, hope the recovery is quick!!!

Parsley said...

Ouch! I hope you heal quickly!

RoeH said...

Ouch! I am so sorry. I have done that before and it is not fun! Here's hoping everything heals very quickly and you get to be back in your sweet style.

Donna said...

Wow!!! God DID grab you in time before anything worse could happen!
A True blogger through and through Girl! Thanks for letting us know! Sending prayer!

Linda said...

Oh, Ginny, you poor dear! Get some rest and take care. Thank God intervention took place and that it wasn't worse. God bless you. Sending you hugs.

Reanaclaire said...

oh dear Ginny! Poor girl.. do take care.. I am sure our Lord is with you at this time...

photowannabe said...

Oh my Ginny, I'm so sorry.
Praying for a speedy recovery and that the oral surgeon will be able to fix things quickly.

George said...

Ginny, I'm very sorry to hear about your fall and injuries. I know Phil is taking good care of you, and we hope the oral surgeon will be able to help with your teeth. You are in our prayers.

momto8 said...

oh Ginny! I will pray for your healing.

Tamago said...

Oh no, I am so very sorry you hurt yourself like this. I hope pain will go away soon and your oral surgeon will help you in the best way.
Like you mentioned, glad you didn't hurt your head.
Sending warm thoughts and prayers to you. Please take care and get well soon.

Filip and Kristel said...

Hope you get better quickly. Kristel is a person who easily falls. When she get a bit tired I have to say careful every five minutes or she falls on every bump or uneven pavement. Good luck recovering.


Rose said...

Oh, Ginny, that looks so sore. I am so sorry this happened to you.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - I am so sorry that you fell. Oh my gosh your lips look so sore. Ouch. I am so sorry that this happened. Love, sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless your heart, Ginny. I am so very sorry to hear this. Hope you heal quickly--and don't have too much discomfort.... Prayers for you.

Hugs and Prayers,

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh no! Ginny, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm glad that you had people around to help you. And, that you had no broken bones. Take care and I hope the oral surgeon can help you soon. I'll be praying for you, my friend. (((Hugs)))

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my gosh Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I've been gone all weekend to a cat event and I'm just finding out. Take good care of yourself. I hope your feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I am praying for you to heal quickly and for your husband's care-giving to be easy for you both. Prayers for your Dentist, too!

Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, my dear, dear Ginny!!! I feel the pain and the turmoil you must be going through. What a tragic way to end the week.

Hope you're feeling a bit better this morning tho. Sorry I'm late getting around to visiting...we had a power outage due to storms!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh dear...this looks so painful. Dont worry about blogs right now

S. Etole said...

I'm so sorry to read this. Prayers for healing and comfort.

BlueShell said...

Oh dear! I am so sorry!
God bless you.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, how awful. Take care of your self. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ouch! I hope you are feeling better.

LV said...

My word Ginny, what a terrible thing to happen. I do not know how I missed this post.
Trust you will will recover soon.

Dee said...

Oh my painful that fall must have been for you...ouch!


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