Thursday, June 6, 2013

Come Away with Me

I fell again today, in the dentist's office. Oh, I wasn't hurt very much. Could not get up because of my rib and the chair tipped over and I was stuck between the couch and the chair. It is too hard to get up and down, to get dressed, I am on full scale narcotics now. SO I have decided to go away for the weekend, won't you come with me? I am going to a place where there is always a rainbow.
There are beautiful tropical flowers.
Some of them even have chocolate petals.
There are palm trees over a brilliant blue sea.
There is a distant volcano.
And mostly, there is peace.
So how about it, would you like to come? I can assure you, it will be sweet! We can meet on the corner of Sugar and High Fructose. For getting home, the designated driver will be whoever is not in a sugar coma. So come away with me...

Sometimes it's just a short swim from the shipwreck of your life to the island paradise of your dreams.  ~Robert Brault

God’s a safe-house for the battered, a sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax; you’re never sorry you knocked.
Psalm 9


Betty Manousos said...

what a treat!

what a great start to my day!
love your photos.
they look amazing!

have a great weekend~

Bobbie said...

Oh no, not again! Oh, these pictures are yummy looking. I'm in.

Tamago said...

Oh no, so sorry you fell again. It must be really difficult time for you....I hope you get better quickly.
These doughnuts are very pretty! I love the chocolate petals. How creative!
Wishing you a sweet and wonderful weekend!

From the Kitchen said...

Yes, I'd love to join you in Hallucinationsville! I think you have such a wonderful sense of humor. It must make the healing go faster. I sure hope so. Take care, my friend.


Alice said...

Too funny Ginny! Enjoy the trip:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen decorated donuts. just sprinkles or icing. these are amazing and the chocolate leaves are pretty.
i am praying for you for strength and for Phil too. so sorry things keep on happening, like a row of dominoes. one thing makes another and another. hope the last one has fallen.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh Dear! I hate that for you but you found a nice way to dream....and pretty colors

Linda said...

Ginny, glad you weren't hurt this time...take care of yourself. These photos are wonderful!

LV said...

Ginny, I hate to hear you have fallen again. There is help out there, so please get it before you get hurt more.I will try to watch out for you on your rest time, but not a big sweet eater.

Reanaclaire said...

oh dear... Ginny! How awful.. please do be more careful..
If I could I would join you in the sugary world! :)

Anonymous said...

It is National Donut Day today. Eat and enjoy. Please be careful.
Jean in Memphis

Chatty Crone said...

I want to go with you and get on in a sugar coma!!!!!!!! Hey I hate you fell again. Please be careful and slow my friend.


photowannabe said...

Today is National Doughnut Day so you just go ahead and join everyone else in the Sugar High!!
Sorry you have fallen again.
Speedy recovery.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well the narcotics aren't hurting your sense of humor any! I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I hope things get easier, quickly.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Any place with lots of sweets is the place for me. I want to come with you.

Lady Jane said...

Count me in!!! Please stop with the falling already, I love how you cope, donuts are my thing too...

Ann said...

sorry about the fall. Sounds like an awful sweet trip you are taking, I would love to tag along :)

George said...

I'm sorry you fell again. I don't blame you for getting away where all of these beauties can be found. Count me in.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well----I do think you need a Weekend Away--but not sure that 'Sugar Land' is the best place to go... Since I seldom eat any sugar these days, I would get sick as a dog eating alot of it... Maybe I should be the designated driver... ha

So sorry that you fell again. What did the dentist say about your teeth? You need a wheelchair--or walker or something to help you get around... Bless your heart... I'm so sorry that you are going through this...

Hugs and Prayers,

Ruth Kelly said...

Oh my word, talk about scrumptious looking donuts. Did you do them?

LC said...

I am concerned about your falls. Are the painkillers a factor? Has your doc checked your blood level of sodium or other electrolytes. My mother suddenly started experiencing falls, four in less than a month. It was dangerously low sodium.

I am praying for your and your medical team.

Anonymous said...

LOL OH volcano.
I laughed I thought it was a upside down turkey LOL

SquirrelQueen said...

Ginny, are we sailing away on the good Ship Lollipop? Everything looks delicious, count me in.

Sorry to hear you fell again. Take it easy for awhile.

That is a coincidence, I almost used a more current video of chad and Jeremy. I love their music too.

SquirrelQueen said...

I have seen them, I love Henri. He has a new book out too!

crafty cat corner said...

I'm so glad I could make you laugh with my post on being exposed by Rowan. We need to laugh when we aren't at our best and you seem to be in the wars lately.
I have taken a look back at your posts and enjoyed them so am adding you to my blog list. I do hope the teeth can be saved, and you soon get to feeling a little better.
Bless you

Donna said...

Oh Bless Your Heart Girl!!!!
And right now I think I would LOVE a Sugar induced coma!!Hahaaaa

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness!!! Girl, you need to get checked up good to find out what is causing your falls. I do hope you'll be okay.

Take care sweet thing. And know you've in my thoughts. the quote.

Anonymous said...

count me in! Yummo!!! maybe not the narcotics though, lol,

Dee said...

Sorry you fell again careful. and I would love to join in on this sweet journey. Is there room for all of us? :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh man. If it's not one thing, it's another. So glad you were able to run away and presumably let someone else do the driving.


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