Monday, June 17, 2013


Genius is more often found in a cracked pot than in a whole one. ~E.B. White

Well, the teenagers of today are at it again. They have come up with another anti-establishment  fad. And this one is a DOOZY!   It is now hip and cool to have cracked cell phone screens! No kidding. It gives the phones kind of a street cred, like ripped jeans, beard stubble, and pants that hang too low. Each crack pattern is different, making it totally personal to the owner. Of course this infuriates the parents, who have just spent a wad of cash for the latest cell phone, and the beat goes you can see, NO cracks on MY screen! Only on my ribs and teeth, ha ha ha!

“God’s love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in his largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.”
Psalm 36


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny I think that parents are mad to go along with things fads, spending money were it is not needed. No wonder out world is in a mess when people think that life will not be good until they 'must have' things. Well that;s my rant over. Have a good day and I hope you are improving. Margaret

Reanaclaire said...

Nowadays kids want to be different.. dare to be and wannabes.. :)

Unknown said...

Love, love, love that Scripture version, so true, so perfect.
Don't you think teenagers are the same as ever, always wanting to be different, yet being the same.....

RoeH said...

Was it Aristotle or one of those olden guys that said he feared for the future because of the teenagers of his day. Only he didn't used the term 'teenagers'. Hadn't been invented yet. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That's the first I have heard of this!

From the Kitchen said...

Some teenagers try to be non-conformists by conforming!! Shame on parents if they replace cell phones ruined by these actions.

Hope your cracks and bruises are healing well.


Ruth Kelly said...

They should be paying for their own phone. Freebies are not respected.

Donna said...

No cracks on mine Either!!Hahaaa

MadSnapper n Beau said...

crazy kids... that is all i have to say...

Tamago said...

Wow that is kind of crazy to me! I totally understand parents are not happy...haha.

Thank you for your comment. I am actually a big fan of Jackson Galaxy! He is a great cat man :-)

Linda said...

Good grief! What will they think of next? I have one of the oldest old fashioned flip phones in the country! In August I am upgrading to a real 'adult' phone! You know - the kind nearly every 12 year old has!! But you better believe I do NOT want a cracked screen!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm afraid that if I were to buy my kids, if they were teens, a cell phone and discovered they'd cracked it on purpose...that cell phone would be confiscated by the Mom Police!

Maybe I'm an old fuddy-duddy, but I just can't see buying young kids all the latest tech stuff out there.

Love the scripture verse!

Ann said...

That has got to be one of the silliest fads I've ever heard. Where do they come up with this stuff

Bobbie said...

What a crrrazy world we live in!! And speaking of your cracked teeth and ribs, how are you doing? No more falling, I hope!

LV said...

I had not heard of this craze. What will they thing of next! That is a cactus from my son's land on my blog today.

Linda said...

I am glad I grew up in the 60's and not in this day and age.

SquirrelQueen said...

I guess the only difference is that the jeans I wanted to put holes in when I was a teen didn't cost nearly as much as a smartphone. Every generation has to find their own way to be unique but.....let the kid buy the phone or pay for the damage when the screen gets broken. I did pay for the jeans I "aged".

Karin said...

Butt cracks, don't step on a crack, crack cocaine, crack pie, now crack phones - this could be cracking me up if it wasn't so sad. Hope you've healed and are back to joyful daily life!

LC said...

Wow! I am really out of touch!

Chatty Crone said...

They want to make their things looked old and used and we want our body that is old and used to look new! Sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

No one had better put a crack in my phone face.The young people do the strangest things,believe me I see a lot of it on the bus.

Arti said...

That is an interesting trend, never heard of it! Wonder what joy they find in it?! And, of your health.. please do take good care. Wish you a wonderful day :)

Dee said...

I am always amazed and clueless to what teens this day and age do.

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