Monday, June 10, 2013

Stopping To Smell The Roses

"Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses." A.  Karr

I only now thought that this post is so strange, beautiful flowers in the first part, then the ugliness of my fall in the second! Well, these are some of the beautiful flowers I have gotten since my fall. And of course the kitties just love to smell them! This weekend has been better! I was finally able to dress myself for the first time, and I also got my stitches removed! The last picture is me today. And these are the scratches the hard cement made on my glasses when they hit the ground. I have not done anything abut it yet, they serve as a cautionary reminder to watch where I am going and be careful!

“If I keep my eyes on God, I won’t trip over my own feet.”
Psalm 25


Anonymous said...

oh you poor dear, good golly you have had such a hard time, take care of your self, I will keep you in my prayers
The flowers are lovely,

Karin said...

Such beautiful flowers for a beautiful patient! You take care of yourself - you're looking much improved already!

Shug said...

While the roses are quite beautiful, your leg looks very painful. so sorry Ginny. This really was a horrible fall.
I do hope you are feeling better and that a lot of that pain is fading.
Praying for you sweet lady.

Linda said...

Bless your heart, Ginny! Continuing prayers for you. Love the flowers and the cat smelling them. :)

From the Kitchen said...

I'm happy to have your post--it means you are mending! For a minute, I thought that photo of you showed a "Bam Bam" hairstyle before I realized it was a plant!!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful flowers... I'm sure that made you feel better. There's just nothing that can make one smile more than pretty flowers can...

You look MUCH better in that last photo.. Glad you are feeling some better. Do you use a walker or cane when you walk? Maybe you should --if you don't. That would give you more support in trying to get around.

What did the dentist say about your teeth?

Hugs and Prayers,

SquirrelQueen said...

What beautiful flowers Ginny. Those are sure to cheer you up a little. I can see the kitties are enjoying the scent. I hope you are beginning to feel a little better.

DawnTreader said...

Cute pics of the cats with the roses, and I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better! @-}--

Reanaclaire said...

Sweet roses surely is for the sweet lady here! Get well soon, Ginny.. you are a sweetie!

crafty cat corner said...

So glad you are on the mend, love the roses.

Tamago said...

Such beautiful flowers! Tulip is my favorite flower. Their yellow color is so bright and ptetty! Looks like kitty is enjoying them a lot :-)
So glad you are doing better. And I can definitely see in the last photo that you are healing :-) I wish for your quick full recovery!

Alice said...

Your glasses really took a beating! I'm glad you're on the mend:)

RoeH said...

You have a wonderful attitude about it. You'll be back. You have the tenacity.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wonder if they can buff out the scratches... i love the tulips, yellow is my color for flowers and these are beautiful. you do look better than you did, and it is good to hear you are on the mend.. and able to dress yourself.. i hope you are well enough Phil can go back to work... and that your van is in working order...and i pray now that things will level off for you with no more surprises

Ruth Kelly said...

Sorry to hear about your fall and I am glad you are recovering. The flowers a beautiful. My cat always likes to smell flowers or anything green that is in the house too.

Donna said...

Love the flowers and I hope you're feeling better today!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I am so happy to hear of your progress in feeling better! Beautiful flowers. Nice Kitty pics. Have an especially fine day today!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The flowers are so beautiful. I hope you're starting to feel better. you do look better!

Annie Jeffries said...

Look at all that blooming love surrounding you. A girl would just have to smile with all this beauty. You are looking a lot better. Did I miss the info? Did you have to have oral surgery? How did the teeth turn out?

George said...

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. Beautiful flowers are obviously good medicine.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful flowers and it is so good to see you looking better.

Dee said...

You look a little better than the first photo's but that leg looks very painful. Pretty flowers always make me feel better. Take care.

Filip and Kristel said...

I am sure you deserve the roses. Take care of yourself.


Chatty Crone said...

People see roses IN you!


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