Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Make Us Be Brave

Don't let us get sick
Don't let us get old
Don't let us get stupid, all right?
Just make us be brave
And make us play nice
And let us be together tonight
Warren Zevon

This is my big basket of pills. At bedtime,  it is from this basket that I take all my pills for the next day and portion them out in this little case. The case is supposed to be for one week, but these are the pills I take in one DAY. It is hard to fit all my pills into a 24 hour day. So that is why I was uncertain when I just got 2 new prescriptions. It is determined that I do have some sort of rib injury, probably broken or cracked, the pain is awful when I get up or down or lay down, and Phil is helping me to dress and other things until I am better. In a few hours I will be going to the dentist determine if I will need my front teeth pulled or root canals. Though it is NOT good to take too many pills, sometimes you just GOTTA!

A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs. ~ Joan Welsh

A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny Wow! I hope all those pills know what they are suppose to do! I don't like taking prescription pills and if I can find a natural alternative for them, I do. all the best for the Dentist adn I hpe you will recover quickly.Margaret

Alice said...

I pray that all goes well today Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is mind boggling, i would have trouble keeping up with it even with the boxes. i love the header shot... i have trouble with 3 prescriptions once a day and a few supplements..keeping track i mean. is the van fixed, did you make the doctor appointment?

From the Kitchen said...

On my! Hoping you hear some good news from the dentist.


Rose said...

Saying a prayer for your visit to the dentist.

I have a hard time keeping up with one pill...once a day...let alone that many. But I think we do what we have to do.

Linda said...

That is quite a lot, Ginny! I pray that things will improve for you very soon!

Donna said...

Is that Levothroid I see in the basket?? I WAS on it but now they say they stopped making it! Can't find it anywhere...

Shug said...

Morning Ginny....
Yikes....lots of meds. I am notorious for NOT taking meds that dr's prescribe. My husband always ask.... Why fill them if you're not going to take em'...... Good question.
Have a great day

LV said...

Ginny, I hate to see you taking so many pills. I never can understand how they help when they all get in there together. One might kill off the other. I am so sorry you are going through all this and pray things start getting better. I have been blessed, I only take two pills a day.

Chatty Crone said...

That is a lot of pills and I take a lot too. And the cost $$$. I love Proverbs 17. And yes some times you gotta do what you gotta do. I hope you are feeling a little better every day. sandie

Annie Jeffries said...

So much! Please say that some of this is temporary - like a LOT of it. This looks like it could almost add up to a meal.

The teeth - is it an either/or or are these possibilities? Between the two, I vote for the root canal. Try to hold on to your teeth if at all possible.

Tamago said...

I use basket to put pills and some other medicines, too. It's easier to organize and looks good :-)
I hope your dentist visit will go well.

LC said...

Ow! Ribs and teeth--Pain in either constitutes a "GOTTA."

You are in my prayers, Ginny.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH My Gosh... I am scared to death of prescription pills and don't take any UNLESS I have to.. They are so powerful and one can cause side effect and counter-act with another one.. Has any one doctor (who knows about all medication) looked at ALL of your pills and determined what you need and what you don't??? Hope so.... When a person has several doctors, each of them gives their own prescriptions --and 90% of the time, they don't check your other meds to see if they will work together. I hope you can get off of all of that stuff SOON, and find some natural alternatives. It cannot be healthy for you.

Love and Prayers for YOU,

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm so sorry you have so many pills but at least they are available to help you when needed!

George said...

I'm sorry you have to take so many pills each day. Hopefully you will soon be better and get rid of a few of these.

Ruth Hiebert said...

If all those pills make your life better,than I guess they are OK. Hope you are back on the mend soon.

Filip and Kristel said...

That's indeed a lot of pils. Must be very enoying. Hope it helps so that you can stop in a few days.


Ann said...

That is a lot of pills to have to take in one day. I have a hard enough time when I get a prescription and have to remember to take it once every so many hours

SquirrelQueen said...

Between the sore ribs and your teeth you must be in a lot of pain. I hope the dentist determines the problem and gets you all fixed up.

That is a lot of pills. Like Betsy, I have to ask if your doctor knows you are taking all these medications together?

Get better soon!

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, bless your heart! I hope you are feeling better soon!!

Dee said...

Ginny i feel bad that you have such discomfort and I pray that whatever the dentist does it will not be traumatic for you. Your pill basket looks like my husbands. :) The quote by Joan welsh holds a lot of truth.

Anonymous said...

you are in my prayers, do what you must do to bring you back to good health,

momto8 said...

oh dear! that is a lot of pills. When I was working in the ICU as a nurse the drs were rounding outside my patients room and I showed them the 9am pills I was going to give her in the cup...just to show them the vast amounts of medicine she was taking. they were shocked! even though they were the ones prescribing them! the visual was very effective. they rounded the next day with the pharmacist and other specialties to cut down and combine some of the meds.

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