Monday, June 3, 2013

Update On My Fall

Here are just a few pictures of the injuries from my fall. Many places on my body are black, but in places I can't show. The latest news is that I may have a cracked rib. I need extensive dental work and may loose my two front teeth. I am going to the dentist and my doctor on Wednesday and Thursday. I now think the reason I gained so much weight from my steroids was so I would have some padding and not get hurt worse or killed. The fat was a good thing!
Here is the awesome get well card that Anne Marie made me!!! And this picture and my header shows the white orchid that my kids gave me! I hope I don't kill it. Very exciting, I have never had an orchid before! Only seen them in shows. On my next post I hope to get back to the answer of what they were covering as the storm came in. This week I will enjoy our wonderful mountain air, and try to breathe very carefully.

"I’m hurt and in pain; Give me space for healing, and mountain air."


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Ginny.. I am so very very sorry.. Makes me cry. BUT--as you said, it could have been worse... Bless your heart. Prayers for you, my friend.

George said...

I'm sorry to hear about all of your injuries, but I'm glad it wasn't worse. Anne Marie made you a beautiful card. Please remember that you are in our prayers.

Rose said...

I still cringe just thinking about all this...looks so painful. Wish I could do something for you.

S. Etole said...

The orchid and the card are beautiful. Prayers continue that all will be well.

Marie said...

Ouch! I'm so sorry this happened! I know you're in good hands, but you've been thru enough!
That is such a sweet card and pretty orchid. :)

Reanaclaire said...

Really a nasty fall, Ginny! Please be more careful in your walks from now on.. I also had a fall recently and was bandaged and have to stay immobolized..
Do take care.. we really need to be more careful with our steps.. God bless...

Small Kucing said...

I am so sorry to read this. A speedy recovery to you Ginny.

Am glad there are so many nice friends to help you through yhis period. Don't worry about blog. Take care and recover fast.

BlueShell said...

The white orchid is magnificent.
I can see it was a nasty fall...
But you are getting better: paise the LORD. Hus BlueShell

SquirrelQueen said...

It all looks so painful Ginny, I hope you aren't in too much pain. The card Anne Marie made is so sweet and I love those orchids.

Blueshell said...

I'll pray for you dear.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Ginny you look at little better today. It was lovely to see the cards and you or Orchid is beautiful. Hope you have more success than me with Orchids. My neighbours ones flourish, mine die!!! Margaret

Alice said...

Your teeth, ouch! You have such wonderful loved ones around you...get well soon, I hope today is more pain free.

DawnTreader said...

Ouch, that looks and sounds really really painful... Your poor teeth, and a cracked rib as well! I hope the dentist and the doctor can find the best possible help for you. I'm glad to know you have Phil and your son & family looking after you. Anne-Marie's card is so sweet!

Shug said...

Bless your heart Ginny.....I know that this has been a truly painful experience. Hoping all heals quickly.
Such a beautiful orchid and your cards are very special. Take care my friend...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your poor teeth, and poor you...makes me hurt to look at the pics.. hurt for you, not for me... the card is beautiful and says it all, how much she loves you...had to laugh at the fat is what protected you, i will have to remember that for myself... praying for healing and strength for you and for Phil.

Mary Bergfeld said...

That was some fall! Ginny, I love your spirit. You are one of my "carry on" people. I know you'll mend but getting from here to there is no fun at all. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs...Mary

Linda said...

Ginny, so sorry about all this. You are in my prayers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You get all this taken care of and rest,so that your body can heal.

Donna said...

Oh goodness! Hope you're feeling no pain sweetheart!!

Tamago said...

Oh no it looks so painful :-( So sorry you are going through all this. But I'm amazed you sound very positive and find good things in bad situation. The card and flower are so lovely. They must give you much healing power :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, my word! That looks so painful. I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you, Ginny. I wish I could do more to help you.

Your card and flowers are just beautiful!
God bless you.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am so sorry to hear about your fall. I love your cards though.

barbara l. hale said...

I am so sorry that this happened. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best!

Fred Alton said...

Oh my goodness, Ginny! So sorry to open the blog page and find the news of your recent fall. May the Lord lay his healing hand on your physical frame and give you ease from the pains you feel. I'm still surviving - and we are, in fact, celebrating our 56th anniv at a brother-in-laws in Gatlingburg. Our prayers are with you and Phil.

Lady Jane said...

OMGoodness!!! Sorry about all those injuries. You are in my prayers and you have great kids you do... You are blessed.

Filip and Kristel said...

It will take some time Ginny but I am sure you will get through this. Hope the painkillers help.


Ann said...

Well at least you didn't lose your sense of humor. That does look rather painful I hope they gave you some good meds to help with that.
The get well card is the most adorable. That had to have made you feel better

Hootin Anni said...

Wow....I feel for you. I hope within a couple of months, this will all be behind you and you're feeling good again. What a fall that musta been.

And Ginny, ps.....I LOVE your lookout on how things in life happen and you always find the 'silver lining'.......btw, I too collect fat cells. That's really about all I am good at these days. [Steroids'll do it!!]

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - you look so sad and so sore. I feel it by looking at you!
Love, sandie

Jeanne said...

So sorry to read about your fall. You're right - extra padding can be a very good thing! I love your beautiful header. Take care and get lots of rest.

LV said...

May the good Lord give you comfort and little pain.Steroids can cause a lot of problems.Take care my friend.

Dee said...

I wish you a quick recovery...did you trip?

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

Oh, I am sorry your accident. Hopefully soon this happy and healthy. God bless you and take care of your health. The family gifts are precious. Kisses and hugs.

LC said...

That from the heart grandchild art is always a spirit healing gift. Your determinastion to look for the good in hard things is an inspiration to me. Thanks, Ginny!

Yet Another Mystery

 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...