Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunday Sunset-Straight Lines

“What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains.” ~Tennessee Williams

Straight light moving and removing
sharpness of the color sun shine
Straight light searching all the meanings
The band Yes

A sunset of round and straight for you today.

“God’s business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye."
Psalm 11


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny Lovely set of sunsets.
If angry, beware of sinning. Let not your irritation last until the sun goes down; God bless Margaret

SquirrelQueen said...

The straight lines of the clouds are amazing Ginny. I like that you caught the sun above and below the lines.

A Happy Father's Day to Phil and your son.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

straight or round these are awesome shots... so beautiful

Alice said...

A very beautiful sunset to start my rainy Sunday morning:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love seeing the rays across.

From the Kitchen said...



Reanaclaire said...

Lovely quotes, Ginny.. difficult to find straight lines but you managed to! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful sunset, great photos :)

Anni said...

Love the T. Williams quote today.

Beautiful images Ginny...and happy father's day to all the men in your life.

Filip and Kristel said...

Great sun set serie again. Probably one of your favourite subjects.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Ginny,there must be an award somewhere for the most beautiful sunset/sunrise pictures.If there is it belongs to you for sure.Have a beautiful day my friend.

Linda said...

Gorgeous series of sunsets, Ginny!

Donna said...

VERY Pretty Ginny! Love these shots!

Shug said...

Awesome photos....Beautiful colors.
Please wish Phil a Happy Father's day. Hope it's a great one...

Ann said...

what a gorgeous sunset and I love the second shot with the tops of the corn showing

Anonymous said...

such beautiful photos, I hope you're feeling well today!

Tamago said...

What a beautiful set of pictures! You catch very dramatic sunset with your camera.
I hope you had a lovely weekend and wish you the great new week!

cleffairy said...

Wow! The pictures are breathtaking!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny! I love how you find scripture to go with your photos. Very nice!
Hope Phil had a nice Father's Day. And hope you're feeling better after that hard fall you had!

Esther Joy said...

Reminds me of the verse from Isaiah that says God makes the crooked places straight!

Karin said...

Hope you are much improved and feeling better! Lovely photos! The sun has finally set here too and I'm off to hit the hay. Didn't sleep well last night and hope I'll do catch up tonight! Feel a cold coming on!

Small Kucing said...

such bright day....

amazing snap. I cant seems to get it right when i try to snap photos of sunset and sun rise. :(

Ramakant Pradhan said...

Some amazing sunsets in the collection.

Unknown said...

What an amazing series of photos you caught Ginny! And yes God does set us straight, I'm quite a mess without Him - every day!

Chatty Crone said...

How many hours did it take you to photograph all those beautiful sunsets? Amazing. sandie

Mary Bergfeld said...

Gorgeous camera work. Ginny, you asked where we were staying. I put together a collage of the one room cabin we rent in the summer. Winter quarters are much larger but prohibitively expensive in summer season. Iput the pictures on my facebook fan page. Hugs...Mary

Jeanne said...

Almost looked like sunset on a lake when it was above the clouds.
Very pretty!

LV said...

Even your photos are very bright. I do not know how you saw to take this great shot. Trust you are doing better.

Dee said...

Awesome photo's. I LOVE your header is beautiful.

Marie said...

These are sooo beautiful!!! This is definitely one of my favorite post! All of these should be framed and on a wall!

Unknown said...
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