Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Strawberry Patch!

The answer to my stormy covering previous post was strawberries! They were covering a strawberry crop before the storm came during a night with freezing temps. A few days later, we took Ella on her first trip to the Strawberry Patch. Here you see the big patch, her walking down the rows with Phil as he shows her how to pick, and showing her first ever picked berry!

You can see all the pretty berries we got, enough for all of us and our special friends. As soon as we came home, we washed them and Ella ate a plateful in front of the T.V. Juicy and delicious!
I am so glad we got to take her before my fall!!!

“But what happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people..”


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My... I'd love some of those fresh strawberries... They are SO good--much better than the ones in the stores..

Glad Ella had that new experience... Hope you are feeling better, Ginny.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your header made my mouth water. Those strawberries look delicious and from the look on Ella's face they taste as good as they look. I'm glad you all got to have the experience.

I hope you are feeling a little better Ginny.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Ginny Hope you are improving and this post was great. it will be ages before we have any strawberries here in Northern Ireland but your looked mouth watering! Margaret

Reanaclaire said...

wow..giant strawberries! Love them very much especially those sweet ones...

Tamago said...

Oh it was strawberries! What a fun you had picking them and eating fresh! Couple years ago, I went to pick strawberries. It was fun :-) And I loved fresh strawberries very much!
I keep sending warm thoughts to you, wishing your injury will heal soon!

RoeH said...

Fresh is the best. And making jam from these strawberries is the best best. :)

Alice said...

The kids love strawberries. The header is just beautiful today Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

were you allowed to eat while picking? when i used to pick strawberries for mother to can and freeze, i ate one and put one in the bucket, but we were not paying to pick and i assume you had to... i would love to eat a warm berry fresh picked. hope you are feeling a tad better today

Linda said...

Those strawberries look fantastic...and are big!!!

Bobbie said...

Mmmmmmmm good! I just got some from the Farmers Market yesterday and they are wonderful. Ella looks to be having a great time, and Phil too. How are you doing Ginny? I hope you are getting better and better every day! Praying for you! Can't wait till your back on the field and being the roving reporter that you are meant to be! Love these pictures!!

Dee said...

Strawberry taste so good this year...your header is beautiful. I pray you are feeling better after the trauma of the fall.

Rose said...

I am wondering what the doctor or dentist has said today...will try to watch later to see what you post about it.

Boy, these photos bring back memories. The orchard that I used to work for was in business with another guy and we raised strawberries. The first year we planted 50 rows that were 400 ft. long and we planted them by hand.

In another year, or maybe two, we more than doubled that amount...but by then we had a machine that we rode to plant them.

We had them irrigated, and every spring, it was my job to get all the irrigation going...sometimes where a deer jumped their foot would go through and cut the irrigation, or mice would chew....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We love the strawberry patch. Nothing beats fresh picked strawberries. She looks like she enjoyed them!

DawnTreader said...

Oh yum. The strawberry season has not quite started here yet. I've seen some Swedish ones for sale but they were awfully expensive. Around midsummer and onwards into July is usually the time for them here.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those strawberries look so good.

Unknown said...

Strawberries, how lovely. I love your new header picture

Filip and Kristel said...

I am sure with a field this size, they have a lot of work. Strawberries are always good but the best when they are sweet or with some sugar.


LV said...

I love strawberries. Nothing better than picking them yourself. There are not many places around here to pick your own. Trust you are feeling some better today.

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

I love strawberries, near my town there are fields of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries. I like many red fruits, are my favorites.
I love nature, my family has very many olive fields, and I love all that the earth and God gives us.

God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are in my prayers, Strawberries are great! I like U-pick operations a lot. I had several patches of Strawberries in TN at the lake house in raised beds and pots. Don't know if FL house will have Strawberries or not. Easier to buy organic at the Farmer's Mkt. Have s super good day and I hope your visits to the Dentist and doc go well.

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling a bit better Ginny! There is NOTHING in the world like fresh strawberries, still warm from the sun, nothing! Your Ella looks delightful, I know she brings a great deal of joy into your life!

Shug said...

That is certainly a beautiful smile on that precious face. Nothing better than good ol' ripe strawberries....and to pick em' yourself makes them taste even better...
Hope you are feeling better...

Chatty Crone said...

I didn't realize that you had to get strawberries from under all those leaves!!!! lol

I hope you are feeling better.


LC said...

What a wonderful outing. I like most fruit, but strawberries are my favorite. And I like them best just like Ella is eating hers, washed and ready, straight out of the patch.

Ann said...

That is a big strawberry patch :) They look delicious


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