Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Creepy Kind Of Love

Those of you who guessed flowers are right! The first time we saw these, Phil thought for sure they were weeds. They are in fact the weediest flowers I have ever seen! Their name is Love-In-A-Mist, and they are a member of the buttercup family. They have been cultivated for over 400 years, and they will grow up to two feet tall! The names of the flower colors are really a scream...Miss Jekyll, Persian Jewels, Dwarf Moody Blues. The last two pictures are their fruit, a large inflated capsule that contains the seeds. Actually, I think everything about this flower is just a little bit creepy!

“For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.”
Psalm 100


SquirrelQueen said...

I have never seen these flowers before but they are beautiful. Those are great names for these blooms but they make me think of Tim Burton movies. These flowers would have made a great bouquet for The Corpse Bride. LOL!

Reanaclaire said...

Their names are unique.. each flower have their own special kind of look! :)

crafty cat corner said...

I love the header showing them all together, they would look lovely as an embroidery.

Bobbie said...

Different, that's for sure! But I love the color...

Tamago said...

Weediest flower fits very well to describe this flower! Very unique look..and the names of colors are really scream :-) But they sure look beautiful and very special!

From the Kitchen said...

I love their airiness! Do you have them in your garden?


Anonymous said...

very strange like from a outer space movie,

Alice said...

Dwarf Moody Blues, I love that!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want one I want one or two or three of the capsules.. i love these and have never seen or heard of them... where did you find that field of them...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow two feet tall? That's amazing. They are definitely quite unique that's for sure.

Linda said...

These are unique, Ginny, and beautiful, too!

Chatty Crone said...

Well are they wild flowers Ginny? They are pretty. I have never seen them either. sandie

Donna said...

Well, whatever they are, they're gorgeous!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Huh I have never seen anything like them!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I can't say I like the seed pods,but the flower nestled in that delicate foliage is quite attractive,I think.

DawnTreader said...

What a wonderful name for an intriguing flower!

Filip and Kristel said...

Great macro's Ginny, the flowers seems very wild and with sharp elements.


LV said...

Flowers are one of my greatest loves. You really brightened my day with these beauties.

Marie said...

These are so unusual looking. I really like them! You find the best stuff. :)

Ann said...

I've never heard of them before but they are very unique.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

These are amazing. Are they indigenous to your area?

Dee said...

I guessed a weed....LOL. What do I know. They are pretty.

Unknown said...

Not creepy Ginny, creative!!! Only God could come up with something as unique as this! Thanks for sharing your unique and beautiful gift! I love seeing the world through your eyes!

Karin said...

How do people come up with names - I've often wondered! They are a delicate bloom, very casual, unpretentious, and your photo is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Looking just at the leaves and stems, they look a little like Cosmos. Now I know the identification of the flower. Weird-looking but pretty in the right spot in a garden. Glad you showed this. Have a super day!


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