Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Barn Dance

 This is the latest jigsaw we just finished. It looks so easy, but was the hardest I have ever done. I finally gave up and let Phil do most of it. But I love the barn dance, and the big harvest moon.

“Dance me to the end of love”

~ Leonard Cohen


CheerfulMonk said...

That's interesting it was so hard. I don't do puzzles that have more than about 200 pieces...I don't have the patience.

The Feminine Energy said...

That looks like it would be a hard one, Ginny! All those different colors. But it's beautiful though! ~Andrea xoxo

crafty cat corner said...

We used to go to barn dances years ago, they used to exhaust me then so would probably kill me now, lol
I'm so pleased that you are enjoying your jigsaws. Now that the colder weather is here we have ours permanently on the table.

Ann said...

I like that one. Wouldn't an old fashioned barn dance be fun. These days I'm thinking it would be nice to live in simpler times like those.

Ella said...

I love to dance ... Leonard Cohen's quote is so beautiful!
Hi Ginny! How are you?
I'm back! I can't resist! I missed blogging so much!
Enjoy you day!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

My mum does puzzles all the time. She’s always got one set up. When we are all together for Christmas or Thanksgiving my daughter, my mum and my niece like to work on a big puzzle. Other family members get involved as well. Not me. Puzzles make me soooo frustrated. I just walk away before i get too ugly.

Hootin Anni said...

Fun one! Bud & I just finished a 1000 pc. one, and have a new one 1500 pc.

DeniseinVA said...

It's beautiful! Puzzles are fun but can be challenging at times. I like to do them too. Great photos and I love your Autumn background.

George said...

I really like this puzzle. I'm glad the two of you were able to finish it.

Rose said...

I would love to try that one...it is a fun one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You're doing a whole lot better than I have because I have never put a puzzle together. I don't have the patience. It makes me frustrated and upset. When I saw the title I thought you had gone to a a barn dance and got all excited. When I was in the third grade and Savannah Georgia they wanted to teach square dancing and I took home a note for my parents to sign saying it was okay to take the square dancing classes and daddy refuse to sign it so I didn't get to take it and it about broke my heart

Shug said...

This is a beautiful puzzle. so colorful and so many interesting things to look at.

photowannabe said...

Those are the best colors on the puzzle but I can see how it would be difficult.
I'm not good at seeing how the pieces fit...my Hubby is a whiz.
His Mom always had a puzzle going on a card table.

Sandi said...

Those are so beautiful, Ginny!

Sue said...

Love these Ginny, so colorful, I haven't done this in a while, but enjoyed doing this with grandkids, Dh doesn't like to put puzzles together.
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment, you asked where I place my plants, I place them in every room even the bathrooms, plants purify the air and add so much to a home.

Chatty Crone said...

Was that four puzzles? I loved it - the fall colors and all. I have to get me one!

L. D. said...

I could see how it was a difficult puzzle. I like seeing all the close-ups on the puzzle. Thanks.

Mari said...

Seeing the close up, I can see that it was hard. I really like it!

Ida said...

Wow lots of bright colors. I'm not very patient about doing jigsaw puzzles. My mom before she got dementia loved putting puzzles together and sometimes I'd put a few pieces in if I was at her house when she had one out.

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