Monday, October 5, 2020

Trinket Van

 I could hardly believe my eyes when we saw this van in a parking lot! Good thing I had my camera with me. And this isn't even all that was on it, but it would have been way too many pictures.


Reanaclaire said...

Good that you have the camera with you, Ginny! This van is certainly very interesting!

Ann said...

This is one of those you have to see it to believe it kind of I saw the name on the window was VintageGoofball. They must sell vintage items

Hootin Anni said...

It's a strange world out there! This proves it.

Rose said...

My question is can you imagine keeping this all clean? Just think of all the bugs that get on windshields and how they are hard to clean off. And do they take this through a carwash? But I am glad you had camera..words would not be adequate to describe it.

Jeanette said...

That us quite an interesting van! Must have some strong glue to hold all that stuff on while driving around!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this must be a collector gone mad with collecting and no where left in the house to display it. the first thing I thought, which is so ME, is what a waste of money.. next thing i tried to figure out just how they are attached, then i wondered if anyone tries to steal some of these things. next i thought, they have ruined the paint job on that van. next thought was who would want that van anyway.... signing off as MadSnapper

George said...

They say seeing is believing, but I still don't believe it.

photowannabe said...

HaHa...I had some of the same thoughts as MadSnapper.
I have seen one similar to that here in Northern California..I will have to dive into my archives and see if I can find a picture of the car.
Maybe the person was going Bonkers in this time of COVID and didn't know what else to do with his Stay at Home Time!!

Inger said...

I hope they never get in an accident as hard as they worked on that van. And I wonder if it would be legal to drive in California. Lots of rules here.

Carla from The River said...

Interesting find Ginny! WOW!!!

The Feminine Energy said...

WOW.... I'm nearly speechless, Ginny. But what a happy van that is and a joy to behold. This person's spreading a little cheer in difficult times. Good for them... and thank YOU for sharing it with the rest of us. You see the coolest things in your area. I think I'm moving to where you are! :-D ~Andrea xoxo

Chatty Crone said...

Those just weren't cheap trinkets either - they were TRINKETS!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Unbelievable !!!!

Mari said...

Wow! The paint job by itself would be quite something, then add all those trinkets and it's over the top! I wonder how they get them to stay?

Tamago said...

Wow, that is quite a decoration! The shell ring pulls look interesting :-)

CheerfulMonk said...

It looks as if they had a great time doing it. :D

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, that's a sight to behold. Thanks for sharing Ginny :)

L. D. said...


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